隐藏盔甲 Hide Armor [CAR]时装盔甲重置版 Cosmetic Armor Reworked 但mod往往只能在特定版本使用,并且mod加载器也不同,还要担心和其他模组是否存在冲突,在纯净游戏中就更不可能了。不过可以依靠更改材质达到这个目的,实现盔甲隐藏的原理是把游戏内盔甲的材质改为透明,然后按资源包的格式封装起来。 我先把盔甲隐藏材质...
Fabric Dec 2, 2021 Report If you want to hide your armor using these slots This add-on adds "transparent armor" which you can use specifically in these cosmetic slots:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/transparent-cosmetics
This mod is my reworked version of Cosmetic Armor. This mod is for Forge. The original mod has a few bugs, and it is licensed under MIT License. The author hasn't fixed them, so I figured why not make my own version. This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor, one for displa...
The Cosmetic Armor Reworked mod allows for the player to wear a full set of armor for protection as well as a secondary set of armor or clothing purely for looks. This means you can have the complete protection of a set of diamond armor but look like you’re wearing a set of weak cha...
时装盔甲重置版(Cosmetic Armor Reworked)mod是Cosmetic Armor(时装盔甲)的重制版本(目前百科上没有该模组的信息资料)。 这个mod允许你穿两套盔甲,一套用于展示,一套用于防护。 若有PVP方面的需要,你可以阻止该mod在客户端运行。 按C键会跳出这个GUI 左边是你的防护盔甲栏,右边是你的展示盔甲栏。
我的世界1.20.2-1.7.10装饰盔甲栏 Cosmetic Armor Reworked Mod下载 2023年10月7日MOD大全0 装饰盔甲栏 Cosmetic Armor Reworked Mod由作者“LainMI”所制作。 Cosmetic Armor Reworked允许你穿两套盔甲,一套用于展示,一套用于防护,你也可以为你的皮肤隐藏盔甲。 任何放置在化妆品护甲 … ...
我的世界1.20.2-1.7.10装饰盔甲栏 Cosmetic Armor Reworked Mod下载 2023年10月7日MOD大全0 装饰盔甲栏 Cosmetic Armor Reworked Mod由作者“LainMI”所制作。 Cosmetic Armor Reworked允许你穿两套盔甲,一套用于展示,一套用于防护,你也可以为你的皮肤隐藏盔甲。 任何放置在化妆品护甲 … ...
MODS:(按字母顺序排列以便使用) Architectury API,AttributeFix,Clumps,Controlling,Cosmetic Armor Reworked,Embeddium,ESSENTIAL Mod,GeckoLib,Item Filters,Jujutsu Craft (Sorcery Fight),Jujutsu Craft SB Addon,Jujutsu Kaisen GT,JujutsuFI,J... Orca的柔术工艺模组包 (Orca’s Jujutsu Craft Modpack)sodamc.co...
This Forge Mod allows you to change the texture of your Items + Armor in a matter of seconds.By clicking on the button in the top left of the pause screen, you get to awebsitewhere you can choose whichtexture you want to have applied to a certain item. This texture will be only ap...
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