【生存教程向】【AR..ARS MAGICA (魔法艺术,曾用译名魔法工艺&古代魔法)是最优秀的、自由度最高的的魔法类mod之一,其一代作品曾获业界内一致好评与广泛推广。二代作品引入了一套类似于技能树的系统使其可玩性
文章分类: MOD· 新物品Mod 魔法艺术2 Ars Magica 2模组是是魔法艺术1的续作,作者引入了大量新的机制来加强其可玩性。 最好的魔法技能类模组之一。 首先是作者引入了一套类似技能树的系统,让玩家对魔法的学习更加具备系统性,而不再依赖结果未知的地图探索; 其次加强了前作中法力亲和力的设定,亲和力不但能赋予玩家...
All the Mods 6 To the Sky EP13 Mod Like Ars Magica... Mana and Artifice.mp4 64 0 22:33 App Minecraft ATM6 To the Sky - Ep03 - 应用能源 怪物农场Applied Energistics and Mob Farm 172 0 25:55 App 真实生存100天……这就是发生的事情p1 I Survived 100 Days in Realistic Minecraft 62...
▸Is Mana and Artifice the same as Ars Magica 3? ▸Is the mod open source? ▸How do I submit a translation? Support the Devs Making this mod is a ton of work And I do it in my free time. BUT: It's a project of passion. As such there's no obligation to contribute or ...
mod_MedievalWeaponsMod{1.0.1} [mod_MedievalWeaponsMod] ([1.6.2]MedievalWeapons_1.0.1.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initializedarsmagica2{1.0.1} [Ars Magica 2] (ArsMagica_1.0.1.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initializedasimcraft{1.6 Textures} [ASimCraft] (ASimCraftClientv1.6-Textures64...
Early on in the mod, you gain access to a useful block called the Occulus. It tells you what you need to do to progress, as well as what you can craft at your current progression, all grouped by category. Instead of having to research every single thing in the mod, you instead progr...
新人求解!请大神帮忙..电脑配置没有问题!WIN7 4G !JAVA7!MC内存设置为1024M!游戏内特效已调至最低!在MCBBS上下载的110MOD迷雾之旅整合包!完了半小时后闪退没有任何提示!再次进入该档1分钟必闪退!
Ars Magica 2by Mithion AtomicStryker's BattleTowersby AtomicStryker Automagyby Tuhljin -Granted Backpacksby Eydamos Balkon's Weapon Modby BalkondeurAlpha Battle Musicby Mr_okushama -Granted Baublesby Azanor BiblioCraftby Nuchaz Biomes O' Plentyby TDWP_FTW, Adubbz ...
点击“MOD下载”即可~ 魔法蜜蜂是曾经的Thaumic Bees(神秘蜜蜂)的继承者,以多种魔法主题的蜜蜂和相关物品为主要内容。同时魔法蜜蜂还提供了魔法蜂箱,其相比于林业自带的蜂箱来说拥有更高的产量。 内容 魔法蜜蜂目前支持的MOD有: [神秘时代4]Thaumcraft 4 [植物魔法]Botania [魔法艺术2]Ars Magica 2 [等价交换3]...
[Jammy Furniture Mod] (919begin汉化 家具_Jammy_Furniture__V4.4.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->InitializedArsMagica{5.52.013} [Ars Magica] (ArsMagica_5.52.013.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->InitializedBambooInitialize{2.6.n} (Bamboo uni- sf汉化.zip) Unloaded...