The Mod Designer also enables kids to write mods with block-based code, making it a perfect starting point for learning programming concepts. Tynker Minecraft Resource Editor: This versatile tool allows users to design and customize various in-game elements such as skins, items, mobs, and blocks...
原帖地址天空之城TCD @封禁十四天 求精。。。 16楼2013-03-30 17:20 收起回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面...
1.Alex’s Mobs(艾力克斯的生物)——为你的世界带来生机!🐻 模组概述:Alex’s Mobs 是一款致力于丰富《我的世界》生态系统的模组,新增了超过80种生物,这些生物不仅仅是增加数量,还各自具备独特的行为、掉落物和互动方式。例如,猩猩会在丛林中打架,而熊则会在冬天储备食物。除此之外,还有像大猩猩、骆驼等现实...
最恐怖MOD:Lycanite Mobs Lycanite Mobs(简称LM), 是一个充满了奇怪生物的MOD。 比如这种天空中的墨鱼: 还有在地狱中出现的阿斯摩蒂尔斯, 拥有着外露的血肉和钢铁般的身躯: 地狱领主是大BOSS, 会往外不停的发出毒气: 这种以岩浆为食的小怪也是数不胜数。 如果对这种风格感兴趣的朋友, 可以尝试一下Nephrite这个MO...
Mod版本:1.1.5适用版本:1.4.7/1.4.6API需求:|Forge API|最后更新:2013-01-13原帖地址:语言支持:English与多人游戏兼容性:是安装方法:拖入mods文件夹(需要API支持)稀有生物MOD这个MOD在MC中增加了稀有的生物,它们会在MC中随机生成,它们就像附魔的武器,它们有不同...
This mod is not hard. Mobs in this mod are simple design. This mod add more simple mobs and more unique mobs!! Good play! Discord: - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons!
The UNOFFICIAL Mowzie's Mobs mod contains powerful mobs that have unique characteristics and behaviours. Each of them ... Minecraft PE Bedrock Mods Teramorph Addon 1.17/1.16 FR13ND The Teramorph mod adds a new race of creatures to Minecraft, the Terramorphs. The creatures live in nests and ...
Alex's Mobs is a Forge mod that adds 89 new mobs to Minecraft. All of these mobs fall into either two categories: most of them are real world creatures, like Grizzly Bears, Roadrunners, Orcas, etc; but some of them are purely fictional, like the Endergade and Bone Serpent. All of ...
为了让游戏的怪物也符合《黑神话:悟空》的风格,魔幻生物模组(Lycanites Mobs)绝对是首选!各种恐怖的生物和Boss会在你的世界里随机刷出,个个都不带好惹的,挑战性满满!再加上那些怪物都长得千奇百怪,有的还会呼风唤雨、释放毒气,活脱脱的妖魔鬼怪乱入Minecraft,让你每次出门都像是在上演一场西游记!