This Summon Mob Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to summon custom mobs with weapons, armor, enchantments, and effects. When you have finished customizing your mob, click on the Generate Command button and then cop
Creeper是常見的敵對生物,它們悄無聲息地接近玩家,當距離目標3格內就會開始爆炸。由於它們獨特的外表和極高的殺傷力以及破壞地形和建築物的能力,苦力怕已經成為了Minecraft的象徵標誌之一,無論是在玩家或非玩家中都很著名。 苦力怕是火藥的主要來源,也是獲得大多數唱片
海龟(Turtle)是一种海洋中的友好生物,在水陆上均可移动且不会窒息或脱水。 海龟自然生成于沙滩上,但不会生成在积雪沙滩或石岸上。海龟有10%的概率会生成为幼年海龟。 在Java版中,海龟会偶尔以5只为一群生成在亮度等级高于8且高度不高于海平面4格(即Y=67及以下)的沙子
minecraft:cat 类生物的CatType域被替换为了 variant, 数字类型更换为字符串类型 (例如, 5 换成了 minecraft:calico) The type of the field Id in the mob effect structure (for example, in the ActiveEffects list on entities) has been changed from byte to int 生物效果结构(例如实体中的ActiveEffects列...
Once it’s close enough, a call from the Sculk Shrieker will summon the Warden nearby - be prepared! 如果距离足够近,Sculk Shrieker的呼叫会立刻在附近召唤 Warden——请做好准备! Sculk Shriekers can be found generating in the Deep Dark or growing from Sculk Catalysts. ...
In addition, as you’re in your own world in Minecraft – Pocket Edition, you’re also allowed to change different aspects in the game, start with making all kinds of different items, summon mobs, changes the time and date, the list goes on. ...
Tweaked mob spawning in mountain and cave biomes to match the Java Edition side-snapshot 修正了高山和洞穴群系的生成来配合Java的快照版本 Trees in swamps can now generate slightly deeper when in water 沼泽里的树现在可以再更深的水里生成
Meet the armadillo, a mob found in the savanna or badlands biomes, and craft wolf armor from its scutes! Explore far and wide to gather a pack of all nine wolf variations, then take on the Overworld together with your new safely armored friends. You can even dye wolf armor the color yo...
Continue toright-clickthe block, then input your desired summon command in the field. Note:It’s encouraged to change~ ~ ~to any suitable coordinates. When you’re finished, clickDoneand flip the lever to spawn the mob in-game. Common Issues with the Rarest Animals in Minecraft ...
Added Allay mob 加入了悦灵生物 Added Boat with Chest 加入了运输船 Added Goat Horns 加入了山羊角...