privatefinalMobSpawnerBaseLogic spawnerLogic =newMobSpawnerBaseLogic() { publicvoidsetBlockEvent(inteventid) { TileEntityMobSpawner.this.worldObj.addBlockEvent(TileEntityMobSpawner.this.pos, Blocks.mob_spawner, eventid,0); } publicWorld getSpawnerWorld() { returnTileEntityMobSpawner.this.worldObj; ...
This Monster Spawner Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to create a monster spawner (sometimes called a mob spawner) with a custom mob that has weapons, armor, enchantments, and effects. When you have finished custo
我的世界1.12.2-1.7.10生物出生点 Custom Mob Spawner Mod是一个用于Mo’ Creatures的工具Mod,它允许玩家设置生物的生成地点以及生成速度,如果不安装此模组,生物就不会生成!
Custom Mob Spawner Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft.The tool is self-explanatory through its name and functionality is really simple. It will provide an option to spawn mob on your desired location. There is one more tool that prevents the mobs to spawn on trees which is called “No ...
我的世界1.12.2-1.7.10生物出生点 Custom Mob Spawner Mod下载 2021年11月24日 我的世界Java版23w44a发布 2023年11月2日 我的世界1.14.2舞池 Dance Floor 地图存档下载 2020年9月7日 我的世界1.18.2-1.12.2寂静装备 Silent Gear Mod下载 2022年5月7日 ...
Mob Spawner From MinecraftOnline Jump to search A player standing on top of a mob spawner. When broken, spawners often leave visible flames floating where they were. When spawners go very wrong... "It's a flaming pig in a cage, why is it spitting out chickens?" ~Anonymous...
minecraft:mob_spawner minecraft:moss_block minecraft:moss_carpet minecraft:mossy_cobblestone minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_double_slab minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_double_slab minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab minecraf...
在输入指令/give [玩家ID] minecraft:mob_spawner 61时,会获得以下哪个方块? A.61个猪刷怪箱 B.1个烈焰人刷怪箱 C.61个烈焰人刷怪箱 D.1个猪刷怪箱 答案:A 其他更多答案请参考:网易我的世界末影龙的试炼第二期答案 4月10日第二轮激活码答题答案...
damage_arthropods = 节肢杀手 damage_undead = 亡灵杀手 digging = 效率 durability = 耐久 fire = 火焰附加 fishingSpeed = 饵钓 frostwalker = 冰霜行者 knockback = 击退 lootBonus = 抢夺 lootBonusDigger = 时运 lootBonusFishing = 海之眷顾 mending = 经验修补 ...
刷怪笼控制修改(Mob Spawner Control)mod提供了非常多关于修改刷怪笼的配置文件。 不修改配置文件的默认情况是,一个刷怪笼产出100个实体后自动被破坏掉。 可以修改刷怪笼以下内容: 能产出多少实体, 产出实体完毕后是停止工作还是自动被破坏掉, 让刷怪笼忽视一些刷怪条件(比如光照等级), ...