Control number of entities a spawner can spawn before it dies. (not supported in Forge 1.18) + Change default range of all spawners (through config) + Change spawner block hardness (through config) Fabric and Forge configuration: Config found at .minecraft/config/spawnermod.json. true/false ...
The mob spawner in vanilla can changed the mob by spawn egg is update in 1.8. But in 1.7.10, we cannot changed it without command or other way to changed. This mod will make the spawner can changed by spawn egg! How to start? Make sure you're in creative mode, find or setblock ...
This mod provides ways to configure mob spawners, to discourage their use in mob farms or to incentivize players to seek and destroy them. It can be used on a forge server with vanilla clients, though you should refrain from using the custom spawners feature when doing so. Default options B...
I:"Mob spawn interval"=0修改生物生成的默认时间间隔# mod音轨播放的最长间隔(秒) I:"Music Interval: Max."=150# mod音轨播放的最短间隔(秒) I:"Music Interval: Min."=30修改mod音轨播放时间间隔# 对于服务器:禁用“霍比特人杀手”在全服广播 # 以保护新的邪恶派系玩家不受围殴 B:"Protect Hobbit Kil...
{player.sendSystemMessage(Component.literal(player.getName().getString()+"哎呦你干嘛啊"));// 在受到攻击的鸡的位置生成一个小鸡EntityType.CHICKEN.spawn((ServerLevel)player.level,null,null,player.blockPosition(),MobSpawnType.COMMAND,true,false);}else{player.sendSystemMessage(Component.literal("唱,...
"item.spawnermod.spawner_key":"刷怪笼钥匙", "item.spawnermod.iron_golem_spawn_egg":"铁傀儡刷怪蛋", "button.count.default":"数量:默认", "button.count.low":"数量:少", "button.count.high":"数量:多", "button.count.very_high":"数量:非常多", ...
在Tutorialmod类中注册ModMessage 创建一个数据包 创建如下的目录和类 加入如下的代码;importnet.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel;importnet.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer;;;im...
FlansMod [Flan's Mod] (Flans Mod 2.2 for Minecraft 1.5.1 Universal汉化.zip) Unloaded->Constructedinventorytweaks [Inventory Tweaks] (InventoryTweaks-1.52-MC1.5.1_CN(sy).jar) Unloaded->Constructedmod_MMM_MMMLib [MMMLib] ( Unloaded->Constructedmod_LMM_littleMaidMob [...
spawnportal – Spawns a portal nearby the player??制作一个地狱传送门clone [QUANTITY] – Clones the NPC which you are looking at??复制你正在看的npc (鼠标对着的)killall <MOBTYPE> – Kills all of the specified mob type,??杀掉指定的某个怪flammable <BLOCK> [CATCH] [SPREAD] – Sets the ...
16) Make a platform 30 blocks away from spawn for mob-spawning16、在离出生点30米以外的地方建造一个刷怪平台17) Make 10 cactus green dye17、10个仙人掌绿染料18) Make 10 mushroom stew18、10碗蘑菇汤19) Craft 5 Jack 'o' Lanterns19、5个南瓜灯笼20) Make 10 bread20、10块面包21) Craft 10...