大后天既然创建的收藏夹Minecraft Mod 制作教程内容:【Minecraft Mod扩展教程】WorldType,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
基岩版使用了修改后的Google的LevelDB(Zlib压缩格式)来储存世界格式资料。 Mojang修改了谷歌的原始LevelDB以加入对Zlib压缩格式和Windows系统的支持。代码可以在Github页面访问,且编写指引由Tommaso在此处提供。 对于Java版的LevelDB + Zlib,请见此Github页面。 Google
Customized world typeHighly customisable terrain generationTo use, press create new world then ‘world type: customized’ and then press the *customize* buttonThere are 4 pages to customize the worldPage 1: customizes generation of structures, chance of lake generation, size of certain structures,...
9.Ice Mountains World Type If you’re playingMinecraftand decide you want something completely different in your world,this modcan help. Add an Ice Mountain or Ice Island and see what new things you can do. Just be aware that these areas are somewhat experimental and are for advanced players...
将worldInitialize由beta移动至1.10.0。 将EntityProjectileComponent由beta移动至1.10.0。 移除了旧的Vector。 可使用@minecraft/math中的Vector3Utils作为替代。 ModalFormData 加入了submitButton方法。 用于设置表单的提交按钮的文本。 StructureAPI 加入了setBlockPermutation(location: Vector3, blockPermutation?: BlockPe...
Caves & Cliffs - Free fall from the top of the world (build limit) to the bottom of the world and survive 洞穴与山崖 - 在世界的顶端(建筑高度限制)一跃而下自由落体到地底且生还 Feels Like Home - Take a Stringer for a loooong ride on a lava lake in the Overworld ...
With this mod you can set the world type which is selected by default when creating a new world. Example: you have Skyblock Builder installed and set the value in the client config to skyblockbuilder:skyblock. When creating a new world, the user don't need to change the world type for ...
Will we heart this Minecraft Marketplace world? News Final days to migrate your bug account Everything you need to know about the new bug reporting system 需要重新下载? 已拥有游戏,但需要启动器?在寻找 Linux 发行版或服务器文件?请查看“下载”页面。
提供我的世界最新版本的更新内容发布,Minecraft pe新内容更新,我的世界基岩版动态资讯。 我的世界基岩版Beta发布 3 天前新闻资讯0 Beta、Preview是基岩版1.21.70的第2个测试版,发布于2025年2月5日 … ...