min. engine. version 为1.18.20 或更高版本的包中的Molang表达式生效 ●例如,A&&BII C现在计算为A&&B)IIC和A<B==C >D现在计算为A<B)==(C>D) GameTest框架(实验性) 新模块!我们添加了一个带有API结构的mojang-minecraft-ui模块,用于创建简单的对话框: ●在mojang-minecraft-ui命名空间中添加了 ActionF...
'min_engine_version' from Resource Pack and Behavior Pack manifests is now passed into Molang expression parsing. This allows for future breaking changes tied to a specific engine version 资源包和行为包中的 'min_engine_version' 舱单现在会传导到Molang表达式解析。这将会允许未来的突破性更新与指定的...
min_engine_version是资源包最低适用的游戏版本,如果上面的format_version是2,则这个最低只能为1.13 ...
提升了RangedAttackGoal中的不可移动生物的性能。 修复了未将MoLang表达式标记为仅min_engine_version
"min_engine_version": [1, 17, 0](你材质的版本)},"modules": [{ "description": "与上相同...
, "version": [0, 0, 1], "min_engine_version": [1, 2, 0] }, "modul...
, "name": "My Behavior Pack", "uuid":"<FIRST GENERATED UUID>", "version": [1, 0, 0], "min_engine_version": [1, 16, 0] }, "modules": [ { "description": "My First Add-On!", "type": "data", "uuid": "<SECOND GENERATED UUID>", "version": [1, 0, 0] } ], "...
Update a Behavior Pack to version 1.19.70 Commands are also very commonly used within Behavior Packs. To opt into the new Command Syntax, you'll need a minimum engine version (min_engine_version) of1.19.70expressed within your behavior pack'smanifest.jsonfile. This will enable the new execut...
Bedrock users will need to change the“version”and“min_engine_version”values to1, 13, 0or higher in themanifest.jsonfile to get full support in-game. This can be done by opening the downloaded zip document, then editing it accordingly. Once this is done, rename the file type to “....