[声明] 觅元素该素材为共享素材,该素材为觅元素用户免费分享产生,仅供学习交流使用。 举报图片 Bucket桶Milk牛奶Png 下载PNG 桶牛奶minecraft-icons 图片id sqlxkmryti 图片格式 PNG 图片规格 512*512 | 96dpi 图片大小 0.10M 推荐软件 Photoshop 上传作者 svewzxykl 获取VIP权限 下载更多素材>> ...
奶桶(Milk Bucket[注 1])是一种从牛、山羊或哞菇处获得的桶装可饮用物品。 获取 挤奶奶桶能通过拿着铁桶对着牛、哞菇或山羊按使用来收集。 生物掉落物若流浪商人在喝奶时被击杀,则它有8.5%的概率掉落奶桶,每级抢夺魔咒可增加1%的掉落概率。 用途 ...
364 milk_bucket 373 minecart 686 miner_pottery_sherd 52 mob_spawner 595 mojang_banner_pattern 754 monster_egg 445 mooshroom_spawn_egg -320 moss_block -335 moss_carpet 48 mossy_cobblestone -915 mossy_cobblestone_double_slab -888 mossy_cobblestone_slab -179 mossy_cobblestone_sta...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a milk bucket with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, a milk bucket is one of the many food items that you can make. Let's explore how to make a milk bucket.
Farming, Milk buckets to remove status effects such as poisoning, and creating water elevators need water buckets. All in all, there are a lot of reasons why having a bucket in your inventory is important, from survival to creativity and automation. Knowing how to use them effectively can gre...
bucket_cod bucket_empty bucket_lava bucket_milk bucket_pufferfish bucket_salmon bucket_tropical bucket_water cake campfire carrot_golden carrot_on_a_stick carrot cauldron chainmail_boots chainmail_chestplate chainmail_helmet chainmail_leggings charcoal chicken_raw chicken_cooked chorus_fruit_popped chorus_...
桶状熔岩Png(Bucket Lava Png) 布雷艇图标(Minecraft-icons) 115款 Ghast巴布亚新几内亚(Ghast Png) 布雷艇图标(Minecraft-icons) 115款 桶装牛奶Png(Bucket Milk Png) 布雷艇图标(Minecraft-icons) 115款 石斧(Stone Axe) 布雷艇图标(Minecraft-icons) 115款 金剑(Gold Sword) 布雷艇图标(Min...
爱给网提供海量的图标库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为png,ico 格式的Minecraft图标第三版(Minecraft Icon Version III), 本站编号41994424, 该图标库素材大小为107k, 该素材已被下载:17次,许可范围为可商用,协议名称为ffpuo协议, 更多精彩图标库素材,尽在爱给网。
Minecraft我的世界方块代码物品ID如下:一、石头 STONE 1 二、草块 GRASS 2 三、泥土 DIRT 3 四、圆石 COBBLESTONE 4 五、橡木木板 WOOD 5 六、云杉木板 WOOD:1 5:1 七、桦木木板 WOOD:2 5:2 八、丛林木板 WOOD:3 5:3 九、橡树树苗 SAPLING 6 十、云杉树苗 SAPLING:1 6:1 十一、桦木...
{Entity | image = <gallery> Plains Villager Base.png|Adult Plains Baby Villager Base JE2.png|Baby Plains Baby Villager BE.png|Baby (BE) </gallery> | extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]] | health = {{hp|20}} | behavior = Passive | size = '''{{IN|Java}}:''' '''Adult...