fishingSpeed = 饵钓 frostwalker = 冰霜行者 knockback = 击退 lootBonus = 抢夺 lootBonusDigger = 时运 lootBonusFishing = 海之眷顾 mending = 经验修补 oxygen = 水下呼吸 protect_all = 保护 protect_explosion = 爆炸保护 protect_fall = 摔落保护 protect_fire = 火焰保护 protect_projectile = 弹射物...
This enchantment is incompatible with Mending, though it used to. Power Power is an enchantment for the bow that is like Sharpness for the sword, dealing more damage to your foes on hit with an arrow. The higher the power level is, the stronger the hit will be. After collecting a few...
You can add the Mending enchantment to any pickaxe, shovel, axe, hoe, fishing rod, carrot on a stick, shears, helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, shield, elytra, sword, trident, bow, or crossbow using an enchanting table, anvil, or game command. The maximum level for the Mending enchant...
·会出现在附魔台里的魔咒。 ·#on_mob_spawn_equipment:#non_treasure。 ·会出现在随机生成生物所穿装备上的魔咒。 ·#on_random_loot:#non_treasure、?binding_curse、?vanishing_curse、?frost_walker和mending。 ·会出现在战利品箱子内的战利品上的魔咒。 ·控制魔咒兼容性的标签: ·#exclusive_set/armor:p...
Infinity:Allows a bow to shoot the same regular arrow forever. Spectral and tipped arrows will still be consumed on use. Infinity cannot be combined with Mending, so you'll need to decide which to use based on how easy it is for you to get flint or arrows. ...
(mending)IUses xp to mend your tools, weapons and armor26 1.0.18 Multishot (multishot)IShoots 3 arrows at once but only costs 1 arrow (from your inventory)33 1.12.0 Piercing (piercing)IVArrow can pierce through multiple entities34
Throw the required ingredients on top of an anvil and hey-presto, Mendfinity. You can then add more enchantments with enchanted books in an anvil. One of each item required: Bow (unenchanted) Eye of Ender Diamond Bottle o' Enchanting Enchanted Book, containing the Mending enchantment Enchante...
Mending vs Infinity: Which Minecraft Enchantment Is Better on a Bow? How to Make a Flower Pot in Minecraft With that, you are now all set to make a new world record with these best Minecraft speedrun seeds. But if you aren’t confident in your skills just yet, it’s best to first ...
This one allows players to have infinite arrows as long as they have a singular arrow in their inventory. This enchantment conflicts with Mending but is usually more useful than Mending for Bows. Flame (I) Flame shoots flaming arrows that instantly set the target on fire. This deals repeated...
Piglin Outstation This Outstation has Piglins spawning all the times and contains a secret vault guarded by piglin brutes