Lingering Potion 滞留药水 Mending 经验修补 Popped Chorus Fruit 爆裂紫影果 Purpur Block 紫珀块 Purpur Pillar 竖纹紫珀块 Purpur Slab 紫珀台阶 Purpur Stairs 紫珀楼梯 Repeating Command Block 循环型命令方块 Shield 盾牌 Shulker 潜影贝 Spectral Arrow 光灵箭 Tipped Arrow 药箭更改...
lootBonusFishing = 海之眷顾 mending = 经验修补 oxygen = 水下呼吸 protect_all = 保护 protect_explosion = 爆炸保护 protect_fall = 摔落保护 protect_fire = 火焰保护 protect_projectile = 弹射物保护 soul_speed = 灵魂疾行 swift_sneak = 迅捷潜行 thorns = 荆棘 untouching = 精准采集 waterWalker = ...
Strategically maintaining and upgrading your armor is crucial for long-term survival. Enchant armor pieces with “Unbreaking” to extend their lifespan and “Mending” to repair them with XP orbs. Crafting and upgrading to Netherite armor can further enhance your protection. Armor Sets Armor sets, ...
Mending-经验修补经验球会被修复工具的耐久度 Sharpness-锋利增加攻击伤害 Smite-亡灵杀手对亡灵生物造成额外伤害 (骷髅,流浪者,凋灵骷髅,凋灵,僵尸,尸壳,僵尸猪灵,僵尸村民,溺尸,僵尸疣猪兽,僵尸马,髅马和幻翼) Sweeping Edge-横扫之刃增加剑的横扫伤害 Unbreaking-耐久让物品耗损更慢 /give @p minecraft:netherite_s...
Fall damage is now absorbed by the entity that lands on the ground when mounted and passed on ...
If more than 1 item equipped by you has this enchantment, the repair will be performed randomly on 1 of the enchanted items. Mending is the only enchantment that can't be applied via the enchantment table but can be applied to any tool, weapon, or armor. It is 1 of only 2 ...
Ability to enchant stuff and armor with mending Echantment chance are editable on config file Permission management Severals custom probability to adapt the chance with the role of your player. You just need to use the correct permission node [NEW] Ability to get mending on fishing (configurable...
Mending mending Multishot multishot Piercing piercing Power power Projectile Protection projectile_protection Protection protection Punch punch Quick Charge quick_charge Respiration respiration Riptide riptide Sharpness sharpness Silk Touch silk_touch Smite smite Soul Speed soul_speed Sweepin...
Minecraft also involves theuse of magic. You can also use magic to enchant your armor and weapons. Magic is also used by the evil Pillagers who use it to harm you. You can use magic togain different powerslike underwater breathing, resistance to fire, mending, unbreaking, and night vision...
There are many different enchantments to apply on boots, whether that be protection or mending. These make combat and exploring easier for you, as they add abilities to your boot armor. However, there are some that are dogwater, such as Curse of Binding. You wouldn’t want some boring enc...