minecraft:shears 剪刀 minecraft:melon 西瓜片 minecraft:pumpkin_seeds 南瓜种子 minecraft:melon_seeds 西瓜种子 minecraft:beef 生牛肉 minecraft:cooked_beef 牛排 minecraft:chicken 生鸡肉 minecraft:cooked_chicken 熟鸡肉 minecraft:rotten_flesh 腐肉 minecraft:ender_pearl 末影珍珠 minecraft:blaze_rod 烈焰棒 minecr...
wheat_seeds = 种子 beetroot_seeds = 甜菜种子 melon_seeds = 西瓜种子 pumpkin_seeds = 南瓜种子 shears = 剪刀 diamond_shovel = 钻石锹 golden_shovel = 金锹 iron_shovel = 铁锹 stone_shovel = 石锹 wooden_shovel = 木锹 sign = 橡木告示牌 spruce_sign = 云杉木告示牌 birch_sign = 白桦木告示牌...
南瓜种子Pumpkin Seeds 西瓜Melon 西瓜种子Melon Seeds 小麦Wheat 小麦种子Seeds 甜菜根Beetroot 甜菜种子Beetroot Seeds 紫颂花Chorus Flower- (紫颂植物Chorus Plant ) 竹子Bamboo 装饰品 玻璃板Glass Pane 蜂蜜块Honey Block 蜜脾块Honeycomb Block 灯笼Lantern- (灵魂灯笼Soul Lantern ) 墙Wall 珊瑚Corals 失活的珊...
Melon Seeds(minecraft:melon_seeds) 363 Raw Beef(minecraft:beef) 364 Steak(minecraft:cooked_beef) 365 Raw Chicken(minecraft:chicken) 366 Cooked Chicken(minecraft:cooked_chicken) 367 Rotten Flesh(minecraft:rotten_flesh) 368 Ender Pearl(minecraft:ender_pearl) 369 Blaze Rod(minecraft:blaze_rod) 370 ...
To grow a melon or pumpkin, you first need to plant the respective seeds on farmland. If there is a light level of 9 or higher one block above the seeds, the seeds will slowly turn into a stem by going through a total of eight stages. This process can be skipped by using bone meal...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft melon seeds with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, melon seeds are one of the many food items that you can make. Let's explore how to make melon seeds.
293 melon_seeds 272 melon_slice 105 melon_stem 364 milk_bucket 373 minecart 686 miner_pottery_sherd 52 mob_spawner 595 mojang_banner_pattern 754 monster_egg 445 mooshroom_spawn_egg -320 moss_block -335 moss_carpet 48 mossy_cobblestone -915 mossy_cobblestone_double_slab ...
361/0 pumpkin_seeds Pumpkin Seeds 362/0 melon_seeds Melon Seeds 363/0 beef Raw Beef 364/0 cooked_beef Steak 365/0 chicken Raw Chicken 366/0 cooked_chicken Cooked Chicken 367/0 rotten_flesh Rotten Flesh 368/0 ender_pearl Ender Pearl 369/0 blaze_rod Blaze Rod 370/0 ghast...
方法名:getPlant IPlantable.getPlant介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct if(down.getBlock().canSustainPlant(down,world,pos.down(),EnumFacing.UP,seed)){ IBlockStatecrop=seed.getPlant(world,pos); world.setBlockState(pos,seed.getPlant(world,pos)); ...
A melon stem is the block that is planted on farmland when melon seeds are used on it. It starts underground, and rises up as the plant grows.