enchantments:可以为单个魔咒ID、魔咒列表或带有#前缀的魔咒标签。 cost:(整型数值提供器)附魔过程中的花费。 类型为minecraft:by_cost_with_difficulty时,还含有以下参数: enchantments:可以为单个魔咒ID、魔咒列表或带有#前缀的魔咒标签。 min_cost:(大于0)可能的最低花费。 max_cost_span:(不小于0)影响随机的因素...
In Minecraft, you can enchant items such as armor, weapons, and tools. Each enchantment has a name and ID value assigned to it. You can use these enchantment values in the /enchant command. Here is an interactive list of all enchantments for Minecraft Ja
/give @p diamond_helmet{Enchantments:[{id:"fire_protection",lvl:10},{id:"projectile_protection",lvl:10},{id:"blast_protection",lvl:10},{id:"protection",lvl:10}],Unbreakable:1,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.max_health",Amount:20.0,Slot:head,Name:"generic.max_health",UUID:[I...
stacksimport{ EnchantmentType, ItemComponentTypes, ItemStack, Player }from'@minecraft/server';import{ MinecraftItemTypes, MinecraftEnchantmentTypes }from'@minecraft/vanilla-data';functiongiveFireSword(player: Player){constironFireSword =newItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.DiamondSword,1);constenchantments = iron...
Curse of Vanishing 消失诅咒 Three new enchantments have been introduced that are unique to the Mace...
Enchantments 附魔 Removed MinecraftEnchantmentTypes class. Use MinecraftEnchantmentTypes from @minecraft/vanilla-data module for minecraft version specific information. 移除了 MinecraftEnchantmentTypes 类,使用来自 @minecraft/vanilla-data 模型和 Minecraft 版本信息的 MinecraftEnchantmentTypes Added support for "stri...
This Minecraft Education edition mod adds a huge amount of new furniture blocks to Minecraft to help you decorate your world. From spatulas to drumkits, toilets to TVs and PCs, Furnicraft gives you almost any kind of home decor you can imagine – you can literally throw the kitchen sink in...
NEW:/enchantmax Enchants the item you're holding with all existing non-curse enchantments at maximum level. /explode [pos] [power] [fire] [destruct] [launch] Spawn an explosion at your feet. /extinguish Extinguish yourself for if you're on fire. ...
When trades are converted, the entity will generate a new trade list with their new trade table, but will try to convert any of the same trades over to have the same enchantments and user data. For example, if the original has a Emerald to Enchanted Iron Sw...
Version 1.7.5 -- New Armour Set Effect and New Enchantments Now available for the following versions: - 1.17.1 - 1.17 Added Titan Shroud Armour Set Bonus (Random negative status effect to target whilst wearing full set of armour) Added Fire Focus Enchantment ...