maptypes: "Map Types" players: "Players" chatrequireslogin: "Chat Requires Login" chatnotallowed: "You are not permitted to send chat messages" hiddennamejoin: "Player joined" hiddennamequit: "Player quit" # URL for client configuration (only needto be tailored for proxies or other non-sta...
getAllPlayers(): Player[] Returns an array of all active players within the world. ReturnsPlayer[] Notes: This function can throw errors. getDay getDay(): number Returns the current day. Returnsnumber- The current day, determined by the world time divided by the number of ticks per day....
import { world, MusicOptions, WorldSoundOptions, PlayerSoundOptions, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; function playMusicAndSound(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) { const players = world.getPlayers(); const musicOptions: MusicOptions = { fade: 0.5, loop: true, volume: 1.0, }; world...
crafting a map in minecraft requires at least 8 papers and 1 compass. to craft your map, simply place the paper in each of the crafting table's squares, then place the compass in the middle square. this will create an empty map which you can then fill out by exploring your world!
Master Maps for Minecraft PE lets you dive into endless mcpe map worlds and unleash your creativity! Now, along with exploring epic minecraft maps and exciting…
While Minecraft runs on bottomless creativity, those countless hours cave diving for ancient cities and speeding across the ocean to map monuments will make you crave relaxation, and a vacation where you can pull off your netherite helmet and have a nice nap to recover is crucial. Or maybe ...
Normally, players begin with a random map and can provide a seed number, which can be used to guarantee replication of individual maps when the seed is reused (each generated world requires a random number “seed” which is used to guide terrain decisions, such as topographical features and ...
Battle Map Pack 4 is here, featuring 3 magnificent new maps! Creep through the deserted, snowbound Dig, slog it out amid the over-sized furniture of Shrunk and hoedown before you showdown in the dusty Frontier.In order to play with this additional content, it is necessary to first ...
PS4Other The Haggler Acquire or spend 30 Emeralds by trading with villagers or with wandering trader. [sic] — 30G Silver Treasure Hunter Acquire a map from a cartographer villager, then enter the revealed structure Visit the structure indicated while the purchased map is in your main hand (...
This seed spawns you on a small island where - you guessed it - your only company is a herd of wild horses. There’s also a shipwreck nearby where you can gather some unique items like a compass and buried treasure map. This seed is definitely geared more toward exploration rather than ...