If you want to play with shaders you need to installOptifine. First step:You need to download Optifine 1.12.2.jar file from Optifine.net. Second step:Move the file here: curseforge\minecraft\Instances\Protect Your Village\mods folder. Third step:You can start the game and enjoy :D Recom...
'tombstone:giant_strength': your strength increases as well as your height 'tombstone:little_world': your height decreases and makes you faster LootTables LootTables (related to this mod) can be edited in your savegame folder (in "tombstone/loottables). It just needs reload the save (or use ...
Introduction Overview of Terralith for Minecraft Terralith is an immersive and expansive mod for Minecraft that focuses on enhancing the TreeCapitator Hey Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you on the hunt for a way to level up your wood-gathering skills and make tree-chopping Spawn Animations Features...
Village Info output This mod shows some information about the village you're currently in. It also tells you if there's a village nearby. For technical reasons, it only works in single player. However, I thought it might help people to better understand the mechanics of villages. To activat...
1. In Publicly Redistributed Modpacks.2. On Other Websites.3. To Profit/Make Money.4. As Your Own. JOIN THE BUMBLE DISCORD! --:: 12/13/2024 ::--Howdy once again, bums! It's nice to speak to you again, and we hope you've all been doing wonderful as the year comes to a ...
Come build some Castles, Dungeons, and Temples! Or join an army and be a Knight! Or maybe just be peasant and live in a village! There's something for everybody here! ByJaceH555 Published on 23 Feb, 2025 3.4 charlesonia.apexmc.co:25565 · v1.21.62 ...
Careful Restoration - Make a Decorated Pot out of 4 Pottery Sherds 精心修复 - 使用 4 片纹样陶片合成一个饰纹陶罐KNOWN ISSUES已知问题 Boats that have been placed before today's update may not function correctly until they have been broken and placed again, and any mobs inside boats may be ej...
This pack is based aroundtown-building mod -Minecoloniesand it can be casual or challenging as you want it to be. Build your own thriving town, impregnable fortress, nordic settlement or even small fishing village. On other hand it's so calledVanilla+modpack that will enhance your 'close-to...
|正式版是Minecraft Java版经过一段时间的预览版测试后得到的稳定版本,也是众多材质、Mod与服务器插件会...
Geographicraft(老版本称之为Climate Control)是一个以控制Minecraft气候带生成为特色的MOD,一般被RTG和BOP拿来配合使用其特点在于可以改变Minecraft的地图生物群系机制,减少两种极端气候生成在一起(例如冰刺地和黏土山生成到了一块)以及自定义其他生物群系MOD的生物群系气候以及生物群系生成机遇(类似于BiomeTweaker),并在...