Bone meal is a part of two crafting recipes in both Minecraft editions. Those include the recipe for white dye (more on this later) and bone block. Thanks to the latter recipe, it’s possible to compact bone meal and carry 576 of them in a single inventory slot. You can always break ...
In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12, the /give command for Bone is: /give @p bone 1 0Things to Make with BonesYou can use bones to make items in Minecraft such as:How to make Bone MealThings to Do with BonesHere...
Azaleas have a chance of growing after using Bone Meal on Moss Blocks 杜鹃花丛有几率生成于骨粉催熟苔藓块 Fertilizing an Azalea with Bone Meal will transform it into a tree with Azalea Leaves and Flowered Azalea Leaves, which can be harvested using Shears 使用骨粉催熟杜鹃花丛可以让它长成长满杜鹃...
All types of Amethyst blocks (clusters included) create beautiful sounds when you walk on them, break them, place them, or hit them with a projectile – go make some music! 当你行走在所有种类的紫水晶方块(包括紫水晶簇)上,打碎它们,放置它们,或用弹射物击中它们时,会发出动听的声音 —— 去创作...
字幕(Subtitles)是一项辅助功能,将游戏中的声音以文字的形式显示在屏幕右下角。此功能主要为听力障碍、失聪或游玩时把声音关闭的玩家而准备,也可以帮助玩家辨别很轻的声音。 字幕能在选项菜单里的“音乐和声音”或无障碍选项里设定。打开字幕后,一个黑色的方框会在屏幕
Using Bone Meal on it increases the number of petals 在其上使用骨粉可以增加花朵的数量 Placing a Pink Petal into an already placed block increases the number of petals 在一个已经放置了粉红色花簇的方块上再放置一个可以增加花朵的数量 Drops the number of petals in the block when mined 被挖掘时...
when you walk on them, break them, place them, or hit them with a projectile – go make ...
After death, he can drop a dark rod necessary for crafting a bone handle. Scarlet Persecutors The spirit comes to those who are marked with the cursed mark. Chases the player at a great distance (150 blocks). Able to fly and make sharp attacks towards the player. Spirits only appear ...
// This doesn't make any sense! Time: 2022-11-13 18:46:52 Description: mouseClicked event handler java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "newMouseStack" is null at
affected-by-bonemeal: false campfire: lit-when-placed: true magma-block: damage-when-sneaking: false damage-with-frost-walker: false end-crystal: baseless: explode: true explosion-power: 6.0 explosion-fire: false explosion-effect: BLOCK base: explode: true explosion-power:...