Maceis a new melee weapon you may craft with a breeze rod and heavy core. Its damage increases when you fall, so the longer you fall the more damage it will do. Not only that, but you can enchant it with the exclusivemace enchantmentsto further increase its damage. If you manage to ...
24w11a是Java版1.20.5的第12个快照,发布于2024年3月14日,加入了新的战利品表函数,在内置实验性数据包中加入了Mace、旋风棒、沉重核心、2种新的锻造模板和旗帜图案、3种新的陶片,修改了内置实验性数据包中试炼密室的结构及旋风人和宝库的战利品表,并修复了一些漏洞。 新内容 常规 战利品表函数 · set_fireworks:...
Enchantments display what they do under their name. Colored Enchantment Names Enchantments are colored green, similar to how Curses are colored red. Allow Duplicate Keybindings All keybindings that are set to the same key will activate at the same time instead of only one applying. ...
2 Fun Advancements and new Mace Enchantments! (Insert picture here) Cross-Mod Compatibility Tags forge:mace and minecraft:mace are added to allow for other mods to use the weapon from this mod Mod Showcase The amount of damage a mace can accumulate from falling is UNLIMITED allowing a single...
To help you brave your way through the trial chambers, the Tricky Trials update also launches themace, a new weapon that can be crafted. Its recipe is simple — you just need abreeze modfrom the breezes and aheavy corefrom an ominous vault. It comes with three enchantments that boost its...
Test out the Density, Breach, and Wind Burst enchantments, which are all unique to the mace, and see which fits your combat style the best. Just mind you don’t smash any of the walls of your base, because you might want to decorate them with another feature included in this testing ...
5 Best Mace Enchantments in Minecraft 1.21 Here are all the mobs trial spawner can summon in Minecraft 1.21 and what the indicative blocks are: Melee Zombie (mossy cobblestone) Husk (chiseled sandstone) Spider (stone and cobweb on top)
Weapon enchantments include Sharpness I, Knockback I, Power I and Punch I 武器附魔包括锋利 I, 击退 I, 力量 I 以及冲击 I Mobs that wear equipment no longer have a chance to drop their equipment on death 穿着装备的生物现在有机会在被击败之后掉落装备 ...
Minecraft PE 1.21.0 features a huge number of different innovations.This is a Mace melee weapon and a Wind Charge to attack from a distance. Playerscan fight infected Boggedskeletons in the swamps, as well as learn all the secrets of the blocks, which have the common name Ominous. ...
See alist of all Minecraft Enchantments. Congratulations, you have learned how to use the /enchant command in Minecraft. Enchantment Lists Find the enchantment ID or name to use in the /enchant command from one of the lists below: