Please update,your lucky block addon is best 🧡 1 1 JALENSHIU December 01, 2024 at 8:10 pm ok 🧡 1 Hasanali24 November 19, 2024 at 7:15 pm PLEASE UPDATEEE (1.21.50) PLSSSS 🧡 3 1 NiiyT November 08, 2024 at 11:56 pm quando vai atualizar esse mod em?! ele e...
Dive into a world of chance with Lucky Block, a Minecraft modpack centered around the thrill of the unexpected. This modpack features the iconic Lucky Blocks that, when broken, offer a random reward or challenge, adding a layer of excitement and unpredictability to your Minecraft adventure. Eac...
Lucky Blocks Mod 幸运块,仅仅添加一种物品到游戏中:幸运块。使用黄金锭和发射器合成,或者你可以在野外发现它们。这个小小的方块回随机掉落物品,刷出生物,几乎所有我的世界中的物品,都有可能刷出!当你打破其中一个,它可能会掉落钻石,或者刷出一只苦力怕!因为一个幸运块,一夜暴富!也可能一命呜呼!如果你希望你的...
Lucky Block Challenge Bykesselot Modpacks 1,539,816 Description 🪙 Loot - Don't let someone pick your pockets. 🛠️ Tools - Tinker with tinkers construct tools. ⚔️ Bosses - More than 12 unique bosses to fight. 🏛️ Dungeons - Abandoned trial buildings to loot. 🌴 Biomes -...
SERP Lucky blocks is the ultimate lucky blocks Add-On, it allows you to craft a magic block that when you hit it will open and give way to any of multiple actions including traps, mobs, buildings, loots and potion effects! At the moment it has more than 110 programmed actions but many...
★我的世界★Mine..视频来自:优酷嗨~大家好~我是极游网的籽岷~今天和小伙伴们给大家带来1.7.2多人模组小游戏~幸运方块赛跑~本地图核心是Lucky Block Mod~另外还使用了画中画模组进行4人多视角游戏演示~希
什么是 Lucky Block(幸运方块)? ·幸运方块是一种可以带给你娱乐以及恶搞的方块,它类似于RPG游戏中的礼包考验你的人品. 那幸运方块可以开出什么东西呢? ·那要看它本身的Lucky值有时开出钻石,龙蛋一些好运的东西.有时运气不好可能开出水牢,巨人之类一些不好运的东西(注:Lucky越低不代表开出来的一定是坏的东西...
The lucky block mod is an exciting and potentially devastating add-on to Minecraft. It adds a golden block, the lucky block to be specific, with a Question mark on all sides and once broken has a chance of spawning something good or something awful or even something completely neutral. The...
Lucky BlockOriginally created in 2015, the Lucky Block is a mod for Minecraft which has since gained over 5 million users. The mod adds a new block to the game which produces random outcomes, as well as items such as the lucky sword, bow and potion. Additionally, the mod can be customi...