The maximum level for the Luck of the Sea enchantment is Level 3. This means that you can enchant a fishing rod with up to Luck of the Sea III. The higher the level, the more powerful the enchantment. Enchantment Name Luck of the Sea Min Level Level 1 (Luck of the Sea I) Max Lev...
最高等级是2147483647(即231-1,但是当等级超过255时,将只显示enchantment.level.0而非命令中指定的数字)[仅Java版]或32767[仅基岩版]。 适用物品 在生存模式中能通过附魔台合理获得此魔咒的物品。所有材质的同种类物品都能够获得此魔咒(但一些材质更容易获得)。 相容物品 在生存模式中无法在附魔台上获得此魔咒的...
Mending is, by far, the most essential and must-have enchantment for all enchantable weapons, armor pieces, and tools in the game. It allows your gear to NOT break indefinitely since its purpose is to continuously refill your item’s durability by absorbing the experience points (EXP) orbs ...
In Minecraft Education Edition, you can enchant items such as armor, weapons, and tools. Each enchantment has a name and ID value assigned to it. You can use these enchantment values in the /enchant command. Here is an interactive list of all enchantment
下面是我闲的没事搞的32k盒子,注意一定要在enchantment.level(附魔等级)的上限是2147483647(2^31-1)的版本(如,Minecraft 1.16.5)使用,不然enchantment.level.2147483647就会变成你当前使用的版本的上限。此外,这条指令不能在Minecraft旧版本打开(如,Minecraft 1.12),因为语法不通用。
LuckOfTheSea海之眷顾 ProjectileCounter弹射物计算 ShadowBarbRanged远程暗影倒钩 ShadowShot暗影射击 SharedPain有难同当 ShulkerSentry护甲潜影弹 SlowBowEnchantment雪弓附魔 SlowBowFreezing雪弓冻结 Synergy协同作用 ThriveUnderPressure压力下成长 VoidBlast虚空爆炸 ...
最高等級是2147483647(即231-1,但是當等級超過255時,將只顯示enchantment.level.0而非指令中指定的數字)[僅Java版]或32767[僅基岩版]。 適用物品 在生存模式中能透過附魔台合理獲得此附魔的物品。所有材質的同種類物品都能夠獲得此附魔(但一些材質更容易獲得)。 相容物品 在生存模式中無法在附魔台上獲得此附魔的...
Punch: Punch adds three blocks of knockback distance to an arrow per enchantment level. It's great for knocking enemies off of cliffs and can even be used in combination with the Elytra to keep yourself in the air if you don't have fireworks. Flame: Fired arrows will set hit mobs on ...
Enchantments (sometimes shortened to "enchants") are special bonuses or assets that can be applied to armor, tools or weapons through the use of an enchantment table, or an anvil if you have enchanted books. Enchanted books can be acquired via trading, f
Desert Temples spawn with Stained Clay instead of Dyed Wool.沙漠神庙的染色羊毛使用彩色粘土代替。Ocean Monuments now feature.添加海底遗迹。New enchantments - Luck of the Sea (I-III), Lure (I-III), Depth Strider (I-III) -have been added.添加新附魔 - 海之眷顾 (I-III), 饵钓 (I-III),...