If you’re looking for an Ancient City, try using the '/locate ancientcity' command! 如果你想找到 Ancient City ,试试 '/locate ancientcity' 指令吧! Known Issues 已知问题 Ancient City structures can extend far beyond the Deep Dark biome, even though they start there Ancient City 可以延伸到...
/locate command to have underscores, like in Java Edition (e.g. ancientcity -> ancient_city);...
你还可以找到一种神秘的新方块:强化深板岩(Reinforced Deepslate,暂译),这种方块无法在生存模式中获得 If you’re looking for an Ancient City, try using the '/locate ancientcity' command! 你可以使用命令'/locate ancientcity'来寻找深暗古城! Known Issues 已知问题 Ancient City structures can extend far ...
The locate command is now moved to locate structure, and locate biome is moved to locate biome. Added locate poi <type: point_of_interest_type=""></type:> Added the loot table function set_instrument The bundled Java runtime has been updated to 17.0.3 The M1 ARM64 architecture is now...
Expanded the '/locate' command into locate structure and locate biome 扩展了 '/locate' 命令的功能,现在可以定位结构及生物群系了 The Trader Llama now has its own spawn egg 行商羊驼有了他自己的刷怪蛋 Added the player's cause of death to the death screen ...
分享22 minecraft吧 Drmanfly 指令也找不到远古城市最近刚回坑MC,想看看深暗之域和远古城市,在网易最新版本开了5个世界,用指令/locate ancientcity 都会显示“此维度中未找到有效结构”,不知道为什么,不知哪位大佬能为我指点迷津? 分享171 minecraft图文吧 文子言叶 不好意思,作为一个老玩家,我实在不能容忍我...
Removed the placefeature command 移除了 placefeature 指令 Added the place command 添加了 place 指令 The locate command is now moved to locate structure, locatebiome is moved to locate biome locate 指令现在变为 locate structure, locatebiome 指令现在变为 locate biome ...
Added Ancient Cities 加入了远古城市 Added Darkness mob effect 加入了黑暗效果 Added Disc Fragment and...
Explore End islands until you find an End city with an adjacent End ship. Inside the End ship, locate the Elytra in an item frame and break the frame to obtain it. Elytra Flying Mechanics and Control Flying with Elytra involves pressing the jump key while falling, causing the Elytra to op...