{Command:execute @e[type=Cow] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~1 ~ command_block 0 replace {Command:"summon LightningBolt ~ ~-10 ~}}}"}},Riding:{id:FallingSand,Block:command_block,Time:1,TileEntityData:{Command:execute @e[type=Creeper] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~-1 ~ ~ command_block 0 replace {Command...
CommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-7 ~1 ~1 minecraft:chain_command_block 2 replace {auto:1b,Command:"execute @e[type=SpectralArrow,tag=inGround] ~ ~ ~ summon LightningBolt "}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-7 ~1 ~ minecraft:chain_command_block 1 replace {auto:1b,Command:"...
This command has three forms: Possible sources and targets: For example, /item replace block ~ ~ ~ container.0 from entity @s enderchest.0 will copy the first item from the player’s Ender Chest to the first slot of a container that the player is currently standing on. 修改物品或者方块...
用法: /< command > [玩家] [威力] 别名: elightning,shock,eshock,smite,esmite,strike,estrike,thor,ethor list 介绍: 查看指定组在线玩家。 忽略组则查看全部在线玩家 用法: /< command > [组] 别名: elist,online,eonline,playerlist,eplayerlist,plist,eplist,who,ewho more 介绍: 让手中物品达到...
用法: /< command > [玩家] [威力] 别名: elightning,shock,eshock,smite,esmite,strike,estrike,thor,ethor 介绍: 查看指定组在线玩家。 忽略组则查看全部在线玩家 用法: /< command > [组] 别名: elist,online,eonline,playerlist,eplayerlist,plist,eplist,who,ewho 介绍: 让手中物品达到最大堆叠。
用法: /< command > 别名: ecompass,direction,edirection depth 介绍: 查看你所在位置的海拔高度。 用法: /depth 别名: edepth,height,eheight hat 介绍: 将手中物品佩戴头上 用法: /< command > [remove] 别名: ehat,head,ehead help 介绍: 查看帮助命令列表。
我的世界模组大全工具箱,英文名叫Maste rfor Minecraft PE,也叫我的世界PE大师启动器,是一款专门为我的世界玩家打造的辅助工具。软件内置所有我的世界游戏模组、地图、组件、皮肤等内容,用户可以下载到游戏里并玩耍,可以满足所有用户的需求。 同时,软件界面十分简洁、体积小巧,操作简单,最重要的一点就是软件内的资源...
[21:07:21 INFO]: /playsound: Plays a sound to a given player [21:07:21 INFO]: /plugins: Gets a list of plugins running on the server [21:07:21 INFO]: /potion:为一个药水瓶添加自定义药水效果. [21:07:21 INFO]: /powertool:给手中物品指定一个命令. [21:07:21 INFO]: /powertoo...
1.3.112w16a Oak and iron door items can now be obtained in singleplayer worlds via the /give command using their respective numeric IDs. 1.7.213w37a The direct item forms of oak and iron doors have been removed from the game. They can no longer exist as items in any way, only as a...
用法: /< command > 别名: ecompass,direction,edirection depth 介绍: 查看你所在位置的海拔高度。 用法: /depth 别名: edepth,height,eheight hat 介绍: 将手中物品佩戴头上 用法: /< command > [remove] 别名: ehat,head,ehead help 介绍: 查看帮助命令列表。