Mending), which doubles the cost, or not a price is determined. In Java Edition, librarian villagers have a 2⁄3 chance to sell an enchanted book as part of their trades at the novice, apprentice, and journeyman level, and have a 50% chance to sell an enchanted book at the expert...
Librarian Enchantments Starting off with the most controversial change in Minecraft 1.20.2,librariansonly provide you with certain enchanted books depending on their village’s biome. For example, players can now only get mending in swamps after trading enough with the NPC. This is a drastic change...
Tridents in Minecraft boast both common enchantments like unbreaking, mending, and curse of vanishing, alongside four exclusive enchantments. “Loyalty” makes a thrown trident return to the player, while “Impaling” inflicts extra damage on aquatic and wet-condition mobs. “Riptide” propels the ...
{{IN|bedrock}}, librarian [[villager]]s have a 50% chance to sell enchanted books as part of their trades at novice, apprentice, and journeyman-level, and have {{frac|1|3}} chance to sell enchanted books at expert-level as part of their trades, meaning each librarian villager can ...