动态光源 Dynamic Lights Mod实现让发光的物体在自然状态下也正常发光,而无需放置后才发光,比如火把、岩浆桶等拿在手中的时候,或者燃烧的怪物、恶魂射出的火焰弹以及佩戴有附魔属性头盔等的玩家或者怪物,也会在正常情况下发出光芒。 … 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.19.3-1.6.4创世神 WorldEdit Mod下载 ...
Light Emitting Diode adds a lot of LED lights, all of them are available in 4 variants: Normal Shaded (an indicator, it doesn't emit light) Reinforced (a visual detail) Reinforced & Shaded It also adds two types of glowing buttons! This is a Fabric only mod, I have no plans to ...
The Dynamic Lights Mod is one that you’d think would be an obvious thing when it comes to light sources in Minecraft. When you hold a light source, be it a torch or glowstone block or anything in between, before placing it it should give off some sort of light. Well, it doesn’t...
There is no limit to the number of lights you can create, note however they are fairly FPS-costly. - the mod now uses fake air and water blocks to achieve light (rapidly placing and removing them as light sources move) - this has several limitations, only full water blocks can emit dyn...
This mod also adds different bulbs to create various lanterns and lamps that make for great outdoor lighting. They can be affixed to the side of blocks or on the ground and come in several interesting designs. There’s also a series of light panels that resemble LED lighting. These can ma...
LambDynamicLightsThe most feature-complete dynamic lighting mod for Fabric.📖 What's this mod?It's dark outside, extremely dark... You can't see a lot in the darkness, you wish you had a torch, or a lantern to hold and see in the light......
LambDynamicLights A dynamic lighting mod for Fabric. 📖 What's this mod? It's dark outside, extremely dark... You can't see a lot in the darkness, you wish you had a torch, or a lantern to hold and see in the light... ...
Minecraft Mod for Flood Lights (alternative to GregsLighting) Links: Project page: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/floodlights Stable downloads: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/floodlights/files Unstable downloads: https://jenkins.ironhide.de/job/Keridos%20Mods/job/FloodLights-1....
the world brighter at the same time will want to take a good look at the Dynamic Lights mod....