Azalea 杜鹃花丛 Azalea Leaves 杜鹃树叶 Azure Bluet 蓝花美耳草 Bamboo 竹子 Bamboo Button 竹按钮 Bamboo Door 竹门 Bamboo Fence 竹栅栏 Bamboo Fence Gate 竹栅栏门 Bamboo Hanging Sign 悬挂式竹告示牌 Bamboo Mosaic 竹马赛克 Bamboo Mosaic Slab 竹马赛克台阶 Bamboo Mosaic Stairs 竹马赛克楼梯 Bamboo Planks ...
chance_information "hanging_leaves_extension_chance" // Probability of hanging leaves extending further down [0-100%]. } object "fancy_canopy" : opt { int "height"<1-*> // Number of layers for the canopy. int "radius"<0-*> // The radius of the canopy. "leaf_block...
Fertilizing an Azalea with Bone Meal will transform it into a tree with Azalea Leaves and Flowered Azalea Leaves, which can be harvested using Shears Azalea and Flowering Azalea can also be used as Furnace fuel Rooted dirt & hanging roots Tilling Rooted Dirt with a Hoe turns the block to nor...
If you want even more blocks, the Wandering Trader might have a lush surprise for you. This is...
Resource Packs are allowed to replace mod assets that are not meant to replace vanilla ones. This includes mod defined translation keys and SeedQueue locks, sounds, layout, etc but excludes newer Sodium versions programmer art leaves. Additionally, SeedQueue will be limited to 30 Max Queued Seeds...
I found this idea onFrugal Family TImes. There you can find theprintable templates for grass blocks, trees (trunks and leaves), stone, TNT, and iron/clouds. If this is enough variety for you—awsomesauce. But I wanted more. Inspired by my resident Minecraft expert, I created more block ...
Layout: the top-down view of the mine. Branch: the tunnels dug purely to gather ores. Branch-length: how many blocks the player dig their branches out. One recommendation is to measure a length with the durability of a stone pickaxe. ...
"My buddies and I have been playing this modpack for about a week, and it is without a doubt my favorite pack of all time! Even my friends that usually stay far away from modding are having a great time. It's such a shame this modpack doesn't have a following as large as ATM ...
FastLeafDecay:A simple Minecraft mod that speeds up leaf decay after you cut down the wood in a tree. By default it will only take about five seconds before all leaves are gone. Guide-API:Allows modders to easily create in-game documentation. Modpack developers: Support for building your ...
And of course, this is similar to what your trees will look like without leaves on them! Questions for the Audience: What kind of tree farms are you used to? Do you prefer to wander the great world of Minecraft to find logs instead?