Incorrect date and region settings can also cause Minecraft Launcher error 0x803f8001. When you can not start the Minecraft Launcher, you have to check if the time and region settings are correct. If not, you can follow the steps below to adjust the time and region settings. on the keyboa...
1.同时按住 + 打开设置 2.选择“时间和语言” 3.选择“区域” 4.点击“中国“选择条. 5.向上滑动鼠标滚轮直到看到”美国“选项结束 6.单击”美国“选项 7.选项条为美国时 8.按 在弹出菜单中找到”Minecraft Preview“ 9. 单击启动 10.如果以后软件变成英文那么,重复1~7步骤将”美国“改为”中国“即可(如...
Minecraft Launcher 不可用如果需要,可以使用以下错误代码: 0x803F8001? 我的世界 85% 知友推荐 · 4.6 万人评价 沙盒/ 2011-11-18 发布 / PC ⋅ Xbox360 ⋅ XboxOne ⋅ PS3 ⋅ PS4 ⋅ PS Vita / Mojang Studio、Microsoft/网易游戏 关注者8 被浏览6,069 关注问题写回答 邀请...
由于您已拥有《Minecraft:java版》,您将获得《Minecraft for windows》作为奖励! 分享1116 minecraft吧 huanghongxun20 全平台;全版本;多,动态模组;正版;多语:HelloMC!Launcher 0.6特点: 1.支持所有Minecraft; 2.支持所有Forge(一定要用forge自动安装器安装哦,手动安装很麻烦。。); 3.支持所有Optfine(与Forge兼容,...
这意味着《Minecraft: Java Edition》的玩家和那些在 PC 上使用 Minecraft Launcher 的玩家很快就需要有一个微软帐户。 直到最近,一些玩家仍然坚持使用他们的 Mojang 帐户来玩游戏。然而,到了 3 月 10 日,这种帐户将被停用。顺便说一句,玩《Minecraft: Java Edition》需要的微软帐户是免费的,而且过程相当简单。此外...
Windows 11 Minecraft错误0x803f8001的解决办法:以下是重置 Microsoft Store 缓存以修复错误 0x803f8001 Minecraft Launcher 目前在 Windows 11 上不可用且无法正常工作的问题的步骤: 1. 同时按下Windows + R 键启动运行对话框。 2. 键入wsreset.exe并单击确定以重置 Microsoft Store 缓存。
If you're getting Minecraft Launcher Error 0x803f8001 in Windows 11 or 10, try not to panic. You can solve this error on your own, and this post walks you through various solutions.
Download Windows Speedup Tool to fix errors and make PC run faster Here is a guide on how you can fix the error code 0x803f8001 on Minecraft Launcher on Windows 11/10 PC. The message you will see is – Minecraft Launcher is currently not available in your account, Error 0x803f8001. ...
The Minecraft has been plagued by not responding, connection refused or crashing on Windows. The another error “Minecraft launcher is currently not available in your account” mainly occurs when installing the game through Microsoft Store. Although you may face the same 0x803f8001 Minecraft error ...
Windows If the Minecraft Launcher 0x803f8001 error has got you down, here's how to fix it on Windows 11 and 10. ByShan Abdul Aug 26, 2023 How to Play Minecraft With Friends: 5 Different Ways Online Games Want to party up and craft with your crew? Here's how you can enjoy Minecraf...