Inventory ..首先一键整理背包是一个非常重要的刚需,而支持最新版fabric的似乎只有ipn,这就导致需要一键整理背包的玩家几乎全部都会使用这个mod然而这个mod的作者似乎十分喜欢炫技,虽然大部分玩家都是冲着整理
inventorytweaks [Inventory Tweaks] (InventoryTweaks-1.52-MC1.5.1_CN(sy).jar) Unloaded->Constructedmod_MMM_MMMLib [MMMLib] ( Unloaded->Constructedmod_LMM_littleMaidMob [littleMaidMob] ( Unloaded->ConstructedMillenaire [Millénaire] (millenaire...
A frustrating part ofMinecraftis that you can only hold so many items at a time. Deciding what to keep can be difficult, which is whytheBackpackedmodis so useful. This inventory mod gives you an additional nine slots to put your precious gear into. It's made of leather and sits on you...
功能丰富(臃肿)的整理模组《模组百鉴4》 #我的世界 #minecraft #mc 演示版本:1.20.1-NeoForge_47.1.106 MOD版本:1.10.11 官网(文档):https://inventory-profile - 阿猪_233于20241025发布在抖音,已经收获了11.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The Advanced Inventory mod replaces the standard inventory with a much higher quality one that, instead of having one big area where you store all your items, has six different areas instead, each consist of nine slots for item storage.
IPN,楼主你可以改用Inventory Sorter和Stack Refill 6楼2024-08-10 08:11 收起回复 我还不会的 地下要塞 9 右上角4个灰色按钮是啥MOD的 来自Android客户端7楼2024-08-11 00:16 收起回复 秃头小羽渡 地下要塞 9 借楼问一下有个饰品的mod,可以把灯笼挂在腰上,是什么mod啊(看视频看见过,但是不知道...
Screen name: net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainerCreativeMouse location: Scaled: (218, 126). Absolute: (436, 254)Screen size: Scaled: (437, 254). Absolute: (873, 508). Scale factor of 2-- Affected level --Details:Level name: MpServerAll players: 1 total; [EntityClientPlayer...
Inventory Tweaks Mod for Minecraft 1.20.5 is a inventory management modification which allows you to properly adjust your items and weapons.
The Inventory Tweaks mod is perfect for players who are sick of hand-sorting the goods from their inventory. It does much of that work for the player, in a single click instead of several.
Download Inventory Generators.jar from the link above, keep it for a while. Do not try to extract the mod files. Now open the mods directory For Mac: Click “Go” on the OS X menu bar and then click “Go to Folder.” Type “~/Library/Application Support/minecraft” and then click ...