Lapis Lazuli Ore 青金石矿石 Large Amethyst Bud 大型紫晶芽 Large Fern 大型蕨 Lava 熔岩 Lava Cauldron 装有熔岩的炼药锅 Leaves 树叶 Lectern 讲台 Lever 拉杆 Light 光源方块(有的版本要加“block”)【以下都是】 Light 0 光源方块 Light 1 光源方块 Light 10 光源方块 Light 11 光源方块 Light 12 光源...
大型紫晶芽 紫水晶簇 方块状态 参见:方块状态 Java版: 名称默认值接受值描述 facingupup down north south east west晶芽和晶簇的朝向,由它依附的方块的方向决定。
小型紫晶芽Small Amethyst Bud- (中型紫晶芽Medium Amethyst Bud 大型紫晶芽Large Amethyst Bud ) 滴水石锥Pointed Dripstone 杜鹃树叶Azalea Leaves- (盛开的杜鹃树叶Flowering Azalea Leaves ) 苔藓块Moss Block- (苔藓地毯Moss Carpet ) 蜡烛Candle 土径Dirt Path 带釉陶瓦Glazed Terracotta 地毯Carpet 告示牌Sign ...
Large Amethyst Bud 大型紫水晶芽 大型紫晶芽 Large Fern 大型蕨類 大型蕨 Lava 熔岩 熔岩 Lava Cauldron 裝熔岩的鍋釜 裝熔岩嘅鍋 Leaves 樹葉 樹葉 Lectern 講台 講台 Lever 控制桿 拉桿 Light 光源 光 Light Blue Banner 淺藍色旗幟 淺藍色橫額 Light Blue Bed 淺藍色床 ...
minecraft:large_amethyst_bud minecraft:large_fern minecraft:lava minecraft:lectern minecraft:lever minecraft:light_block_0 minecraft:light_block_1 minecraft:light_block_10 minecraft:light_block_11 minecraft:light_block_12 minecraft:light_block_13 minecraft:light_block_14 minecraft:light_block_15 minecraf...
Amethyst Clusters 紫水晶簇 Amethyst Clusters grow from budding Amethyst, which can be found inside Geodes 紫水晶簇生长于紫水晶母岩,可以在紫晶洞中找到 Clusters have four growth stages: Small Amethyst Bud, Medium Amethyst Bud, Large Amethyst Bud, and Amethyst Cluster ...
Amethyst Clusters have been added to the game! 紫水晶簇加入游戏! Amethyst Clusters grow from Budding Amethyst, which can be found inside geodes 紫水晶簇从紫水晶母岩中生长,能在紫晶洞穴中找到。 Clusters have four growth stages: Small Amethyst Bud, Medium Amethyst Bud, Large Amethyst Bud, and Am...
-330 large_amethyst_bud -865 large_fern 11 lava 366 lava_bucket 559 lead 385 leather 341 leather_boots 339 leather_chestplate 338 leather_helmet 542 leather_horse_armor 340 leather_leggings 739 leaves 740 leaves2 -194 lectern 69 lever 760 light_block -215 light_block...
-330 large_amethyst_bud -865 large_fern 11 lava 366 lava_bucket 559 lead 385 leather 341 leather_boots 339 leather_chestplate 338 leather_helmet 542 leather_horse_armor 340 leather_leggings 739 leaves 740 leaves2 -194 lectern 69 lever 760 light_block -215 light_block...
break.amethyst_cluster break.azalea break.big_dripleaf break.calcite break.dirt_with_roots break.dripstone_block break.hanging_roots break.large_amethyst_bud break.medium_amethyst_bud break.pointed_dripstone break.small_amethyst_bud break.spore_blossom ...