我的世界珍妮模组手机版下载,我的世界珍妮模组又叫Jenny Mod,这边版本需要我的世界国际版(minecraft pe版)才能使用,我的世界作为一款像素沙盒建造冒险游戏。游戏内玩家们可以个性化的进行建造的,按照超多精美好看的房屋类型,也能在这款游戏内带来不一样的趣味体验等。整个游戏玩法自由且丰富,玩家们可以放心的进行冒险挑...
Update: Feb 28, 2024 File format: zip File size: 16.0MB Genre: Mods Suitable game version: Module usage tutorial: enable "Experimental Game" in the settings Requires experimental game settings mod to work This mod will provide you with a virtual girlfriend Jenny, you can interact...
Jenny will follow you around if you have a diamond in your hand. Overall, theJenny modis an excellent addition to Minecraft that fans of the My Life as a Teenage Robot television show will love. How to install the Minecraft Jenny mod?
我的世界jenny模组手机版为您添加了漂亮又性感的珍妮女孩,您将在游戏中看到她,与她一起畅游我的世界,体验不一样的游戏内容! 我的世界Jenny Mod简介 为您的游戏世界带来美丽女孩的插件。使用此插件,您将有机会与一个漂亮的女孩一起在游戏中漫步、约会、并与她共度时光。此插件是 Minecraft PE 中最受欢迎的模组...
Download Jenny Mod for Minecraft. A Step by Step guide on how to download and install Jenny Mod for Minecraft is explained!
Jenny mod 1.12.2 is a very interesting character development by Slippery Tom who is a working developer for Minecraf. you can think jenny as your virtual girlfriend
珍妮Jenny Mod由作者“Slippery Tum”所制作。 Jenny是Slippery Tum为Minecraft创造的一个令人兴奋的虚构角色。 你可以把Jenny看作你的虚拟女友,可以陪她约会并送她钻石、黄金和绿宝石等珠宝。 如果不会安装Mod,请点击查看我的世界Mod安装教程。 如发现网盘资源被吞,或者网盘资源不存在,请在下方评论中说明,我们将会...
Jenny Mod Minecraft Apk lets you explore its vast and pixelated world like always in this update, where you will have all the new elements and functions to explore in the gameplay. This is not gameplay like usual, which offers multiple concepts but with limitations. Apart from every creative ...