jenny mod minecraft you can find everything you need for the best Minecraft PE experience : maps, mods, addons, texture packs, and much more.
今天小编就给大家带来了珍妮模组完整版无遮挡下载地址:。该模组为为Java版国外作者制作后移植于基岩版,模组中充满很多服装和道具。 《我的世界》珍妮模组官网下载链接入口 珍妮模组官网: 该模组为为...
Download Jenny Mod for Minecraft. A Step by Step guide on how to download and install Jenny Mod for Minecraft is explained!
Jenny will be added as yourvirtual girlfriendin your Minecraft and you can give her gifts, hang out with her and even become besties with her. Once you download the mod, set your world as “creative” and then find her house with a pointy roof in the biome you spawn in. This is whe...
Gain the power to have a virtual girlfriend through another mod that can be added to Mojang's well-liked game in Minecraft called Jenny.
If you like to play Minecraft but feel like the vast world of Minecraft is a lonely place, you can have someone accompany you. The Minecraft Jenny Mod is a mod that lets you have an NPC, or more specifically, a virtual girlfriend, so you can give gifts to, follow you around, and ...
This mod will provide you with a virtual girlfriend Jenny, you can interact with Jenny in adult simulation in the game
Jenny mod 1.12.2 is a very interesting character development by Slippery Tom who is a working developer for Minecraf. you can think jenny as your virtual girlfriend
Jenny mod 1.12.2 is a very interesting character development by Slippery Tom who is a working developer for Minecraf. you can think jenny as your virtual girlfriend
Us Minecraft nerds know how hard looting yourself a girlfriend in real life can be – they’re one of the rarest drops in the game of “IRL”. Thankfully, you can get yourself a cute Minecraft girlfriend at the click of a button. All you need is the Jenny Mod. ...