/time set <时间值> /time add <时长> /time query <查询项> 首先是time set,设置游戏时间,数值后方加单位,省略时默认为t, t为游戏刻,每天的时间为24000游戏刻,0t=24000t=日出 s为秒,每20个游戏刻等于1秒, d为天,每天为1200秒,为20分钟。 其次是time add,在当前基础上增加时间,单位与上述相同。 最...
5. /summon minecraft:cow 这个指令可以召唤一只牛,让你可以和它亲密互动! 6. /kill @e[type=cow] 这个指令可以让你杀死所有的牛,让你可以获得更多的食物! 7. /weather clear 这个指令可以让你改变天气,让你可以享受晴朗的天气! 8. /time set day 这个指令可以让你改变时间,让你可以享受白天的美好! 9. ...
/timeset命令能设置的最大时间值为2147483647。 此值相当于:天数 = 89478;当天刻 = 11467;相当于现实时间的 [年/月/日(时:分:秒:毫秒)] = 1581/12/25(11:28:58:800)(考虑闰年导致的8天6小时修正),不考虑闰年则为 1582/1/1(17:28:58:800)。要达到此值,现实流逝时间约为1242天18小时。
/timeset命令能设置的最大时间值为2147483647。 此值相当于:天数 = 89478;当天刻 = 11467;相当于现实时间的 [年/月/日(时:分:秒:毫秒)] = 1581/12/25(11:28:58:800)(考虑闰年导致的8天6小时修正),不考虑闰年则为 1582/1/1(17:28:58:800)。要达到此值,现实流逝时间约为1242天18小时。
Squid can also fly. In fact, they “fly” all the time - it’s just that they normally do...
(1.16.1) FastReset 2.1: Add "Always save after..." option that ensures worlds are saved if they are older than the configured time limit. Using this option will increase the chances that accidental Save & Quits can still be verified!
Minecraft servers are based onMinecraft Java Edition, the original version of Minecraft, so our next step is to install Java on our Raspberry Pi. The default Java on Ubuntu is older than the one used for Minecraft Servers, so we need to specifically install the latest Java Runtime Environment...
During this time of the day, they may also share items. In Java Edition this is the only time of day villagers are able to breed. As there are multiple tasks villagers may choose to do, there is no guarantee they will breed. GatheringLate...
Occasionally, the game replaces all the regular splashes with a single splash or a set of splashes visible for a set time. Splash text Occasion Version added Merry X-mas! Shown on December 24, Christmas Eve. Alpha v1.0.6_01 Happy new year! Shown on January 1, New Year's Day...