} 开发者ID:Notoh,项目名称:DecompiledMinecraft,代码行数:15,代码来源:CommandDefaultGameMode.java net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;//导入方法依赖的package包/类protectedvoidsetDefaultGameType(GameType gameType, MinecraftServer server){ server.setGameType(gameType);if(server.getForceGamemode()) {for(En...
实验功能多了一个短暂潜行,可以做到和java版蹲下可以穿过半砖一点五格的高度! 我的世界1.20国际版更新总结:考古系统,樱花群系,新生物,新方块,盔甲纹理装饰等等,对于游戏性的优化,整体还是非常不错的,而且照目前的更新方向,mc感觉对遗迹文明有着的很高的重视度,感觉以后会有更多的远古生物出现。
演示模式,Java版稱作試玩模式(Demo mode),基岩版則稱作Minecraft Trial,是提供給尚未購買Minecraft,但想要試玩的玩家的版本。 Java版的演示版本可以透過在Minecraft啟動器上登入一個尚未購買遊戲的Microsoft賬號來免費遊玩,被設計用於代替已經過期的PC Gamer演示版。演示版本只包含一個單獨的種子,且有諸多限制。例如,一個...
Minecraft Java版 预发布版 It is now time for the first Pre-release of Minecraft 1.20.5, featuring some tweaks to Trial Chambers and Ominous Trials, as well as new advancements, a big set of technical tweaks and changes, and lots of bug fixes. ...
In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the syntax to set a world's default game mode for all new players is: /defaultgamemode <mode> Definitions modeis the default game mode for all new players when they join a multiplayer server. It can be one of the following: ...
更改了黑色染色陶瓦在地图上的颜色,以匹配 Java 版 (MCPE-166791) Players no longer fall through Farmland Blocks after jumping on them 玩家从耕地上起跳后不再会陷入其中 Players no longer fall through Mud Blocks or Farmland Blocks if they are standing on the block as it becomes a complete block (...
NEWS MINECRAFT 1.20.5 PRE-RELEASE 1 MINECRAFT 1.20.5-pre1 A Minecraft Java Pre-Release Minecraft Java版 预发布版 It is now time for the first Pre-release of Minecraft 1.20.5, featuring some tweaks to Trial Chambers and Ominous Trials, as well as new advancements, a big set of techni...
To set the game mode to Survival for the player running the command: /gamemode survival Example in Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.11 and 1.12 To set the game mode to Adventure for the player named DigMinecraft in Minecraft 1.11 and 1.12:
Added new Game Mode Switcher debug menu 添加了新的调试菜单,用于游戏模式切换 Added new Nether blocks 添加了新的下界方块 Added the Soul Speed enchantment 添加了灵魂疾行附魔 Added the lodestone 添加了磁石 Added the respawn anchor that allows you to set your respawn point in the Nether. Use while...