This blog covers how to deploy your own personalMinecraftJava server on AWS. Hosting your server on AWS can eliminate common networking challenges and security concerns associated with at-home servers. Because you have control over the virtual machine, you can configure any mods or plugins that ...
mcIn.loadWorld((WorldClient)null); mcIn.setServerData(p_i1181_3_);this.connect(serveraddress.getIP(), serveraddress.getPort()); } 开发者ID:Notoh,项目名称:DecompiledMinecraft,代码行数:10,代码来源 { = mcIn;.previousGuiScreen = parent; ServerAddress serveraddress =...
A Bukkit server implementation (such asPaper) and theWorldEdit pluginare required to use WorldGuard. You can get a release copy of WorldGuard from theBukkitDev site. Compiling The project is written for Java 17 and our build process makes use ofGradle. ...
在进入下一步之前,我们还需要配置java环境,这是启动Mc服务器所必需的 mc对应版本所需java版本 为了方便,我们可以同时安装多个版本的Java,来应对各种环境(但我不建议你那么做) sudoaptinstallopenjdk-8-jdksudoaptinstallopenjdk-11-jdksudoaptinstallopenjdk-17-jdksudoaptinstallopenjdk-21-jdk 安装完成后,输入以下...
当要连接的Java版服务器的版本低于时,服务器需安装MOD「ViaFabric」 当出现"Do you want to continue?[Y/n]"时,输入y,随后等待即可。 执行命令apt-get upgrade时,第一处的选择请参照第二条,其余的回车继续即可。 vim 使用方法为:按i进入编辑模式, 按ESC后输入:wq保存并退出。
Minecraft Java and Bedrock Dedicated Server systemd units and scripts for backups, automatic updates, and posting logs to chat bots - TapeWerm/MCscripts
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Alibaba Dragonwell Standard Edition)- (build, mixed mode, sharing) 因为我需要在本地 WSL 上配置一个模拟环境,测试一下配置服务器的方法能否在本地的 WSL 环境里面正常运行起来,正好可以讲一下如何配置 Java 环境。关于换源之类的细节我就不再赘述...
開發者ID:HATB0T,項目名稱:RuneCraftery,代碼行數:9,代碼來源 示例2: setGuiEnabled ▲點讚 2▼ importnet.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui;//導入依賴的package包/類publicvoidsetGuiEnabled(){MinecraftServerGui.createServerGui(this);this.guiIsEnabled =true; ...