红石比较器(Redstone Comparator),你应该知道这是个什么东西吧?作为红石电路的重要组成部分之一,它有许许多多的的用途。 作者的红石并不怎么好,所以这边并不会讲什么特别高深的红石相关内容(我也不会讲)。但基础的一些特性我们还是要了解了解。 让我们拿出一个红石比较器,放在地上,你应该注意到了这东西上面插着三...
Redstone dust,as we mentioned earlier, is obtained by mining a redstone ore block using an Iron Pickaxe (or higher). It basically has the same properties as pure redstone, which basically means it’s a working energy source. When placed on a block, it turns that block into a source of...
墙上的红色旗帜 red_wall_banner 物品的放置方式变种 红色羊毛 red_wool ID相同 红石块 redstone_block ID相同 红石灯 redstone_lamp ID相同 红石矿石 redstone_ore ID相同 红石火把 redstone_torch ID相同 墙上的红石火把 redstone_wall_torch 物品的放置方式变种 红石线 redstone_wire ID不同 红石...
150 96 minecraft:powered_comparator 红石比较器 (已弃用) S 151 97 minecraft:daylight_detector 阳光探测器 E 152 98 minecraft:redstone_block 红石块 153 99 minecraft:quartz_ore 下界石英矿石 154 9A minecraft:hopper 漏斗 S E 155 9B minecraft:quartz_block 石英块 S B 156 9C min...
红石粉Redstone Dust 红石比较器Redstone Comparator 红石灯Redstone Lamp 红石火把Redstone Torch 红石块Block of Redstone 红石中继器Redstone Repeater 活塞Piston 黏性活塞Sticky Piston 拉杆Lever 漏斗Hopper 木质压力板Wooden Pressure Plate 石质压力板Stone Pressure Plate ...
comparator = 红石比较器 compass = 指南针 lodestonecompass = 磁石指南针 cookie = 曲奇 crossbow = 弩 diamond = 钻石 repeater = 红石中继器 acacia_door = 金合欢木门 birch_door = 白桦木门 dark_oak_door = 深色橡木门 iron_door = 铁门
the game falls under a certain frequency value, and this value can be measured with a comparator...
1.红石矿石Redstone Ore ①使用铁镐或钻石镐挖掉它就可以获得4~5个红石粉,同时会获得1~5点经验值,使用木镐和石镐挖掉无法获得红石粉哦! 这种矿石通常出现在16层以下,通常一次会出现48个矿石(有时多个矿脉挤在一起就会出现一大块的红石矿) 2.红石粉Redstone Dust ①红石粉是传导红石信号的重要材料,通常情况...
Redstone Comparator Redstone Repeater Redstone Wall Torch Smoker Soul Campfire Soul Wall Torch Stonecutter Trapped Chest Tripwire Hook Wall Torch down east north south west Hopper halfFor tall plants and doors, which half of the door or plant occupies the block space. For trapdoors and stairs,...
minecraft:red_flower 罂粟 minecraft:brown_mushroom 棕色蘑菇 minecraft:red_mushroom 红色蘑菇 minecraft:gold_block 金块 minecraft:iron_block 铁块 minecraft:double_stone_slab 双石台阶 minecraft:stone_slab 石台阶 minecraft:brick_block 砖块 minecraft:tnt TNT ...