origin-starter-kit:适用于想要为origins mod定制自定义起源的人的入门工具包(可从此处下载https://www.curseforge.comminecraftmc-mods 进击**es上传38KB文件格式zip 原产入门套件 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 PB12.6开发的生成流水号的例子,可以根据日期,流水,自定...
# force small continent near origin //让小型陆地和小到尽量生成在一起,推荐开启,不然之后的群岛设置后结果可能很奇葩B:forceStartContinent=true# max height value for allowing rivers; 10.0 allows everything; 0.75 is plains but no hills //允许的河流高度D:maxChasm=10.0# Maximum Number of Rescue ...
我的世界1.13 mod制作——环境搭建(一) 说了,学过java的都会,不会的网上搜也会搜出一大堆 2.forgeMDK(https://files.minecraftforge.net/) 从官网下载1.13的mdk 3.../latest/) 解压从forge官网下载的forge mdk,文件夹名字随便改一个。 新的forge有一些改动,官网给出的命令有的无法运行,这里直接点击gradlew...
If you want to get started, I suggest visiting the wiki of the mod on GitHub: https://github.com/apace100/origins-fabric/wiki Community There are a lot of enthusiasts of the mod and people who make data packs on the Discord! There are channels for discussion, posting origin ideas, shari...
Aperture is a Minecraft mod which allows you to create advanced camera movement (for cinematics or machinimas) using camera editor GUI. It works with Forge for Minecraft 1.12.2 (past versions are available for 1.10.2 and 1.11.2). Aperture is also available in Chinese language thanks to ycwe...
|正式版是Minecraft Java版经过一段时间的预览版测试后得到的稳定版本,也是众多材质、Mod与服务器插件会...
or c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in reasonable ways as different from the original version; or d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or authors of the material; or e) ...
However, you’ll take damage while in contact with water and are also “scared of pumpkins”. This amazing mod can be further expanded with a ton of single-origin mods out there like theGiant,Witheran,Flutterling,Vampire, etc. You’ll have the best time playing this mod with your friends...
The team distributing the modified version must cite the origin of the Dynmap code, but must also clearly indicate that the version is NOT supported by nor endorsed by the Dynmap team, and that ALL support should be directed through the team providing the modified version. Any modified version...