雪林生物群系可生成的友好生物现调整为兔子、狐狸和狼 Button tooltips will no longer appear when hovering outside the containing element 鼠标悬停在元素之外时,按钮的工具提示不再出现 TECHNICAL CHANGES技术性更改 The Data Pack version is now 34 数据包版本现在为 34 DATA PACK VERSION 34数据包版本 34 更...
Minecraft Java版预发布版 Start your new week by not slipping and sliding on blocks that should not be slippy or slidey - we've now released pre-release 6 for Minecraft Java Edition 1.16. 从这周起你就再也不用担心在完全不应该滑的地板上滑倒了,Java版1.16的第六个预发布版现已发布。
You will now be able to place torches in your off-hand just by interacting with the item, i.e. right-clicking on PC, on consoles through the button you use to open the crafting table with the item in hand, and on mobile phones with the interaction buttons or by holding down the scre...
Java Aspects bridges the gap between Bedrock and Java Edition. It changes water colors, explosion particles, block sounds, mob animations, and many other things. Now, you can bring the clean visuals of Java Edition into the world of Mineraft Bedrock. Check outConsole Aspectsfor the Legacy Cons...
Offhand Slots! 30 Mar, 2021 FPS Counter 11 Apr, 2021 Ultimate Thumbnail Maker V1.0 2 Oct, 2024 Installation Guides Android iOS Windows 10 27 Responses 4.44 / 5 (18 votes) Leave a Reply You must belogged into post a comment. it works but theres a untextured box at the top of my sc...
similarly to in the overworld, but is more dangerous as you will run into many little lava pockets.The best way to prevent this is carry a bucket right next to your pickaxe since you can only run into source blocks(if you’re in java, you’ll be able to put it in your offhand)....
playerIn.capabilities.isCreativeMode && playerIn.getHeldItem(handIn).isItemStackDamageable()) { playerIn.getHeldItem(handIn).damageItem(1, playerIn); } playerIn.playSound(SoundEvents.UI_BUTTON_CLICK, 0.5F, 1.0F); } return super.onItemRightClick(worldIn, playerIn, handIn); } ...
Check outJava Aspectsfor the Java Edition style on Bedrock. Creator:AgentMindStorm,Bluesky Account,Twitter/X Account,YouTube Channel(Click here for more credits.) Pack Options Explore the different ways to use Console Aspects. Default Textures ...
The player no longer endlessly jumps after entering a Boat while holding down the jump button (...
MC-122645 Narrator hotkey cannot be customized or disabled Fix: Disable the narrator hotkey by default (can be re-enabled in the configuration) MC-203401 Double-tapping forward button to sprint cannot be disabled/reconfigured Fix: Add option to disable double-tap-to-sprint ...