Find the best Minecraft Mods and Modpacks on CurseForge - Enhance your gameplay with free mods that offer powerful tools for building and combat
Mod Menu also supports some more advanced features, such as translatable mod names and descriptions, support forQuickText formattingin mod descriptions thanks toPatbox'sText Placeholder API, filters library mods out from regular mods, a mod update checker for mods hosted on Modrinth or that provide...
Architectury API: Cloth Config API: Xaero's Minimap-Xaero小地图 简介:小地图(目前最优的Fabric小地图模组,JourneyMap不出Fabric版的了) 控制:Y 下载:https://www.curseforge...
Updated Jan 30, 2025 Java gorilla-devs / ferium Star 1.2k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Fast and multi-source CLI program for managing Minecraft mods and modpacks from Modrinth, CurseForge, and GitHub Releases rust minecraft minecraft-mod curseforge github-releases mod-manager modrinth ...
Fabric API 是通过模组形式安装的,网址在。 Servux 用于支持 MiniHUD 显示结构边界的 Mod。网址在。 这个模组不需要在客户端上安装。官网上将这行文字标记为红色,似乎很重要。
Find the best Minecraft Mods and Modpacks on CurseForge - Enhance your gameplay with free mods that offer powerful tools for building and combat
CurseForge/Emotecraft (Fabric) and CurseForge/Emotecraft (Forge/NeoForge) Don't download it from any other source! Minecraft versions table MinecraftEmotecraft 1.21.1 2.4.x 1.21.4 2.5.x Development Building from source: git clone cd emotes ./gradlew build...
帮我解决V你30块,..最近终于能玩电脑了,在自己配整合包玩,玩的是1.12.2。有两个问题玩冰火传说Ice and fire,想把RLCraft的附加也加进去,不然的话跟高版本比少很多东西。我是高中生,基本只会把下载的模组
Head over to the "Java Settings" page on your panel. Under the "JAR" section, select the drop-down menu and choose the Forge jar file. Make sure you click the save button!Finally, turn the server on! If all the steps were followed, then it should load up the modpack and go ...
在这一背景下,由Tuinity作者 Leaf 开发的光照优化模组Starlight应运而生,对原版mc的光照代码进行了完整的重写。下面是在i7-8750H上执行单线程区块预渲染的耗时统计图,数据来自于curseforge。 重写后的光照引擎核心文件位于github仓库/src/main/java/ca/spottedleaf/starlight/common/light/StarLightEngine.java下。Blo...