适用于 Minecraft PE 的 Java 版 Mod 是一个应用程序,它允许您下载和安装功能齐全的 Vanilla Deluxe:Java UI + 混合 UI + PvP UI 插件到您的 Minecraft World 中,只需单击一次! 这个插件将 Minecraft 基岩版基础游戏界面转换为 Java 版风格!从 3 种类型中选择,Java 版 UI、混合 UI 和 PvP (Java 版 1.8...
A simple command line downloader for Minecraft Forge Modpacks. Also works with Curse manifest JSONs. Usage Execute via command line with two arguments, the manifest json and the folder where you want your mods downloaded. Example: java -jar modpackdownloader.jar -manifest mods.json -folder mods...
This mod includes new items, blocks, and mobs. These include Entities like Polandball, Americaball, and Germanyball. Items like the Gun and Debit card, Oil Miner (really efficient pick), the Infinity Plunger, Liquid like Milk that's placeable, the Aether dimension, a money system that has ...
This add-on add a browser, a music player, weather forecast and a real discord client for Device Mod by the moment but I'm opening for ideas. This mod need the mcef to work, you can get it on minecraftforum:https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecra...
minecraft java启动器是一款超经典、超人气的3D开放式沙盒模拟建造手游,中文名又叫我的世界java版,作为Minecraft的最初版本,重要的特性就是能无限生成地形的世界,它不仅包含其他拓宽了游戏可能性的更新,包括新的合成配方、3D云、一个新的地形生成器、更加真实的流体系统、更加完善的洞穴等,还加入了新地形生成器、新生...
minecraft-modminecraftmodfabric-modfabricmc-mod UpdatedApr 26, 2024 Java This mod adds three new backpacks to the game which enhance your gaming experience minecraftforgemodminecraftmod UpdatedJan 26, 2025 Java Open-Source API and library for U-Team's mods ...
▌下载地址: Java 安装包下载地址heydon.gitee.io/dl_java ▌备注: 本人实测运行 MOD 最稳定的版本 我在很多自制的模组包中使用过,出现 BUG 的情况少 安装包来自官方下载源的备份(因为对不懂的人来说很难找) 下载之前请检查系统的位数,下载对应的安装包即可 ...
If single-player is your primary mode of play, then modding might be a significant aspect of your Minecraft experience. The Java Edition is renowned for its extensive history with creative mods, maps, and texture packs, which are widely available for free download. This openness has fostered a...