如果你想要彩字,由于Java版写不了特殊字符,需要更改level.dat文件,以后我会发。由于指令过长,需要在命令方块输入,给予命令方块指令:/give @s minecraft:command_block。 指令: give @p barrel{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0,id:"minecraft:red_shulker_box",Count:64,tag:{BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{Slot:0...
在附魔台上无法获得荆棘III的魔咒,只能通过铁砧合并、附魔书等方式获得,另外头盔、护腿和靴子也无法通过附魔台获得荆棘魔咒。 荆棘效果有时候会带来一些不必要的麻烦,例如在引怪的时候会难免被怪物攻击,此时怪物有可能因为荆棘伤害而死亡(尤其在利用骷髅和苦力怕刷唱片时,注意远程攻击不会被反伤那是只有Java版才有的特...
钓竿: /give @p minecraft:fishing_rod{Enchantments:[{id:luck_of_the_sea,lvl:3},{id:lure,lvl:1},{id:unbreaking,lvl:3},{id:mending,lvl:1}]} 鞘翅: /give @p minecraft:elytra{Enchantments:[{id:unbreaking,lvl:3},{id:mending,lvl:1}]} 附魔 保护{id:protection,lvl:4} 火焰保护 {id:fi...
这些数据值(Data Values)决定了Java版内不同种类的方块和物品。它们在Minecraft中有很多用处。方块ID用于定义放置在世界的方块和其物品形式(包括物品栏、箱子里的和作为掉落物的);物品ID只对物品有效;实体ID只对例如生物和弹射物的实体有效。方块状态则是进一步定义一个方块所需的附加数据值。
海之眷顾 luck_of_the_sea 61 饵钓 lure 62 经验修补 mending 70 消失诅咒 vanishing_curse 71 状态效果[] 在游戏的/effect命令中使用。 图标数据值命名空间ID效果类型源代码粒子颜色 1 minecraft:speed 速度(Speed) potion.moveSpeed #7CAFC6 2 minecraft:slowness 缓慢(Slowness) potion.moveSlowdown...
These data values refer to the different types of blocks, items and other features on Java Edition and are used in many places in Minecraft. Block IDs are used to define blocks placed in the world. Item IDs are valid only for items (including items in ch
So the moral of the story is, if you need to fish for leather, don’t put Luck of the Sea on your fishing pole in Java Minecraft 1.13.2. Posted on January 13, 2019 Minecraft 1.13.2 Seeds Spawn in Ocean BiomeSeed: 1538636107446210403World Type: Buffet (none selected) Watch out for dr...
Remove leveling from enchantments, meaning that the max level for all enchantments will be 1. Enchantments that are brought down to this level will act as their original max level counterpart, an example being Luck of the Sea I will function the same as Luck of the Sea III. Enchantments on...
接受拒绝管理 Cookie The Garden Awakens 苍白花园内有什么动静。畅玩 Minecraft 最新小更新版本,探索蠢蠢欲动的生物群落,直面新生物,并体验更多内容! 了解更多获取 Minecraft 探索游戏 Minecraft 沙盒生存,探险游戏 单人游戏 + 多人游戏 Minecraft Dungeons
Such as info on specific enchantments (what they do, all places they could be found, or in the case of looting, luck of the sea, and Fortune, how they affect mob and fishing drops etc.) or info on specific items or blocks (for example if I wanted to know all the info on kelp ...