Keep your inventory safe and secure with the Minecraft keep inventory command - use it to improve your gameplay with our comprehensive guide.
Example in Java Edition (PC/Mac) To keep inventory after dying in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac): /gamerule keepInventory true To lose inventory after dying: /gamerule keepInventory false How to Enter the Command 1. Open the Chat Window The easiest way to run a command in Minecraft is wit...
Enter the command "/gamerule keepInventory" to check its status. Will other players be affected by the keepInventory change? Yes, the change applies to all players on the server. Can I still get experience points with keepInventory on? Yes, you'll keep your experience points upon death too....
In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the gamerule command has different syntaxes depending on whether you want to set or check the gamerule. To set the value of a gamerule: /gamerule <rule> <value> To check the value of a gamerule: /gamerule <rule> Definitions rule is the name of the...
java版本是官方最早的版本,所以更完整,Java版除了Realm没有任何内购,属于买断制游戏。 java版的怪物攻击的时候会很有节奏,每个怪物都有其行动的规律;回血机制是java版所特有的。 Java版是所有版本中“最自由”的版本,MC的灵魂在于MOD,java版不止能购买MOD,玩家可以根据自己的想法自由制作MOD,玩法丰富多彩。 玩家们...
|Minecraft Java版是指Windows、Mac OS与Linux平台上,使用Java语言开发的Minecraft版本。|正式版是...
Minecraft Java版是指Windows、Mac OS与Linux平台上,使用Java语言开发的Minecraft版本。正式版是Minecraft ...
实验功能多了一个短暂潜行,可以做到和java版蹲下可以穿过半砖一点五格的高度! 我的世界1.20国际版更新总结:考古系统,樱花群系,新生物,新方块,盔甲纹理装饰等等,对于游戏性的优化,整体还是非常不错的,而且照目前的更新方向,mc感觉对遗迹文明有着的很高的重视度,感觉以后会有更多的远古生物出现。
This command allows players todeal damage to entities. You can target specific entities, a group of entities, or deal collective damage to all entities in an area. loot Coming from the Java edition, this command allows you tospawn lootoverload in your inventory and your Minecraft world. ...
为了避免卡顿和频繁弹出指令消息,请关闭gamerule项的commandblockoutput和sendcommandfeedback。 (一)前置:创建记分板 1、雪球菜单:/scoreboard objectives add 雪球菜单 dummy 2、雪球模式:/scoreboard objectives add 雪球模式 dummy 3、游戏模式:/scoreboard objectives add 游戏模式 dummy ...