根据Minecraft 的实际需求,本文推荐使用 LibericaJRE 的Full Version,且下文将使用 LibericaJRE Full Version 进行讨论 推荐流程 Windows 用户流程1. 在一个 「非C盘的磁盘」 下创建一个文件夹,并在内创建三个文件夹,分别命名为 Liberica8 、Liberica11 和 Liberica17;2. 进入 Liberica Java 加速下载页(gitee.com...
Desert & Jungle Temples on Java Edition 1.18+ Enchanted Golden Apples Various other structures such as villages and igloos can sometimes fail to generate in-game as well, but this should happen far less frequently than for the features mentioned above. ...
so you can be sure that the Java Edition works correctly. As you know, Nether Update received the highest number of votes in the competition for the next update, so it is possible that the 1.17 version may contain the Mountains Update. Mojang has prepared for players a full release of the...
The item must have a format version of at least 1.19.80 现在在 1.19.80 及以上版本的 JSON 格式中拥有 minecraft:entity_placer 物品组件的物品可以在刷怪笼上使用以改变其活动对象的生成类型 Removed the non-functional 'on_repaired' parameter from the 'minecraft:repairable' item component 移除了 ...
(1.16.1) StandardSettings 2.0: Now configurable ingame with SpeedrunAPI, added a toggle to turn settings resetting off. Your old config files will no longer work with this version! (1.16.1) WorldPreview 6.0.0: Rewrote the mod for full vanilla parity in preview rendering (player, entities,...
Alpha v1.0.13_01[2] is a version released to fix a crash in Alpha v1.0.13. Alpha v1.0.13_01 was reuploaded to add new temporary logo "1K IN 24h" to celebrate 1000 sales in the last 24 hours.[3][4][5] 1 bug fixed Fixed a crash that could occur near certai
A major difference between Java and Bedrock is the world format. Bedrock uses the LevelDB format for world storage, while Java uses the Anvil format. Due to this, most third-party tools created for editing a world will only work in the version for which it was created....
A major difference between Java and Bedrock is the world format. Bedrock uses the LevelDB format for world storage, while Java uses the Anvil format. Due to this, most third-party tools created for editing a world will only work in the version for which it was created....
java-jarfabric-installer-1.0.1.jar server-mcversion"1.21.1" Note.执行时需要加上-mcversion "1.21"参数,否则的话就算已经给出了正确的server.jar。报错发生的时候还没有安装任何模组。 脚本启动与参数配置 Aikar's flags 了解一下什么是 Aikar's flags:根据PaperMC Docs 网站给出的信息资料显示: ...