It is your responsibility to check all relevant rules before using this mod.While Freecam should only affect the client, it may be possible for servers to detect the mod being installed through various exploits in Minecraft, modding platforms, or this mod. Here's a real example that exploited...
【我的世界mod制作】我基于A*三维寻路算法编写了一个特殊的灵魂出窍(TPFreecam/farplay),远程交互演示 88.7万 643 00:31 App 《我的世界大电影》正式确认引进 691.9万 1519 01:56 每周必看 App “不自然死亡” 16.1万 597 05:23 App Notch只身一人创造的『世界』,与MC故事的开篇……【MC发展史#1:Java版...
FreeCam-自由视角/灵魂出窍 简介:玩家可在生存模式下像是创造模式一样的视角自由地飞来飞去(和Tweakeroo中的tweakFreeCamera功能重复;相对于Tweakeroo而言,FreeCam不需要前置模组,体积小,只需要这个功能的玩家可以考虑下载使用) 控制:F6开启/关闭 .freecam speed [速度,最大100]调整速度 .freecam hands [1或0]自由视...
Freecam ( Edition) A simple, standalone freecam mod. Held Item Info Shows information (like enchantments) about the held item under its name. Hold That Chunk Delays client chunk unloading Horse Stats Vanilla This client-side mod displays the statistics (health, speed, jump height) of horses in...
When playing a song, freecam is enabled. You will be able to move around freely, but in reality you are only moving your camera while your player stays at the center of the noteblocks. This is because noteblocks can only be played if you're within reach distance of them, so you have...
Minecraft: Java Edition 1.19.2 Platforms Supported environments Client and server Join Discord server Donate on Ko-fi Creators fergenbergelOwner Details LicensedMIT Published last year Updated 6 months ago Modpack Info You're a being just like any other, unique in some aspects, but affected neve...
and. The Nether and End are changed byand
wurst.mods.flightMod.speed.getValue(); } 开发者ID:Wurst-Imperium,项目名称:Wurst-MC-1.12,代码行数:19,代码来源 示例3: onUpdate ▲点赞 3▼ importnet.wurstclient.compatibility.WMinecraft;//导入方法依赖的package包/类@OverridepublicvoidonUpdate(){// check if sneakingif(mc.gameSet...
Freecam:自由视角 3 总结 总结:模组新增物品和玩法不多,主要体验Minecraft 1.20.x 更新内容,纯生存,可建筑。后续会随着本体和Forge更新来加入光影。本体和模组的具体玩法可在Minecraft维基(和MC百科(查阅。具体设置、键位搭配可自行研究...
freecam.mixin.json:MixinMinecraft,pl:mixin:APP:create.mixins.json:WindowResizeMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}-- Last reload --Details:Reload number: 1Reload reason: initialFinished: YesPacks: Default, Mod Resources, Everycomp Generated Pack, Supplementaries Generated Pack, Minecraft-Mod...