在砂轮里修复印有旗帜的盾牌时,合成结果盾牌上的旗帜现在对应上方格子里的盾牌,该表现现在与 Java 版...
Trail Ruins will now be placed in the same location and configuration as Java Edition (MCPE-...
These changes are only enabled when using the Java Aspects Item Icons companion pack Durability bar position Bundle storage bar position and color Removed category text on all hover text Removed flying item renderer when using quick move Bundle Screen Highlighted slot background is now semitransparent ...
Our initial implementation of Spectator Mode will not include every feature available in the Java Edition (such as "mob view", speed control, etc.), we have chosen to focus on the parts of spectator mode that we hope will be most useful. We would like to hear about bugs you have found...
Minecraft: Java 版—— 快照 21w37a Marvellous mountains and colossal caves, this snapshot has it all! Today we're bringing the Overworld revamp to regular snapshots. If you've been playing or checking out the experimental snapshots that we've been releasing, you should be familiar with what ...
tools, but the duplicate will have no durability (even with looting 3 it's quite hard to obtain) And then there's some things that I added just because/to make it feel more unique from java version the camera now rolls when flying with elytra using boats, horses, elytra, minecarts, ...
Controls how often a random tick occurs; random ticks influence how fast plants and crops grow, how fast pigmen spawn from portals, how fast farmland updates, how fast grass and mycelium grow and decay, etc...If set to 0, random ticks never occurreducedDebugInfoGamerule to enable/disable ...
Minecraft Java 版快照 Happy New Year!It's time for the first snapshot of 2022 to hit the shelves. This snapshot series will be leading up to the release of 1.18.2. With this release we aim to address a few issues before moving on and starting with the Wild Update snapshots. ...
Does not activate when flying or dismounting from entities; such as horses or when in spectator mode. Addition of Toggle Sprint. Optional display with the status of both sneak and sprint. Controls By default, both sneak and sprint are enabled. Sprinting is active when you move. Sneaking (TOGG...
Controls the gradient in which mobs are ticked. Decreasing this will activate DAB closer to players, improving DAB's performance gains, but will affect how entities interact with their surroundings and may break mob farms. If enabling DAB breaks mob farms, try increasing this value. enable-async...