The Fairy Lights mod adds a bevy of craftable lightbulbs and lanterns to hang around your abode. It’s perfect for party settings or simply adding a new light source to your world. They don’t give off much light but most string lights won’t do much in real life either. No matter wh...
彩灯mod增加了一大堆灯泡和灯笼让你挂在你的建筑内。十分适合节日装扮或者用作光源。它们跟现实中的彩灯类似,并不会提供太多的亮光。不管怎么说,它是一款不错的节日装扮mod,增加节日气氛! 灯泡有多种风格从传统的灯泡,花,雪花,或万圣节为主题的灯泡。 当你把任何一个灯泡添加到2个铁锭和一根丝线上,你会得到足以...
Pennants Here are some example pennant bunting recipes. Fairy Lights Usage Right click the hanging lights, garland, or bunting on the side of a block, or an existing fastener to place a fastener, now there will be a connection from the fastener to you. From then you right click on anothe...
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (by MrCrayfish) Mystical World (by EpicSquid315) MysticalLib (by EpicSquid315) Nature's Compass (by Chaosyr) Neat (by Vazkii) NetherPortalFix (by BlayTheNinth) OldJavaWarning (by DarkhaxDev) Open Loader (by DarkhaxDev) ...
Time: 5/18/18 8:02 PM Description: Initializing game java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException: Format specifier '%s' at java.util.Formatter.format(Unknown Source) at java.util.Formatter.format(Unknown Source) at java.lang.String.format(U...
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b( net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J( net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)at sun.reflect.Native... Mods: ✧˖ Cocricot 1.12.2 ✧˖ Decocraft ✧˖ Extra Utilities 2 ✧˖ Fairylights ✧˖ Flat Colored Blocks ✧˖ Miniaturia 1.12.2 Shaders: SEUS Renewed 展开更多 游戏 ...
"item.fairylights.tinsel": "金属丝花环", "item.fairylights.black_string": "黑色灯绳", "item.fairylights.white_string": "白色灯绳", "item.fairyLights.twinkle": "闪烁", "item.fairylights.pennant_bunting": "彩旗", "item.fairylights.letter_bunting": "文字彩旗", "item.fairylights...
Adds "Great Fairy" upgrade modifier for armor as a complete "set" bonus 10% decrease of the Mana cost on all Mana-using TCon items (Can't translate to Botania items) If the player is attacked while wearing this armor piece, there's an % chance (depends on armor piece, same as Botani...
想问问各位有没有可以推荐的能在farbic上用的1.20.1或者1.21.1的装饰模组,我现在的建筑存档就u装了方块小镇和MrCrayfish家具,但是我觉得我还少一些关于灯具和门的内容,想问问各位有没有可推荐的啊(仅限farbic的原因是要用axiom做建筑) 查看更多内容Lrbs🍀 5小时前 点赞0 Supplementaries,Hand Crafted,Another ...