玩minecraft..玩MC多人的时候经常会跳出Internal exceptian: java.net.SocketException:Connection reset这类的这怎么解决,而且这不止是同一个服务器会出现的。。求大神解答。。好几天没和基友一起玩了= =帮帮我。
**Description: Mod loading error has occurred** - 伴随出现的错误报告一般十分简短,出去系统信息后仅有少数几行,在错误报告中 *Details:* 后会说明导致此次崩溃的mod和原因(可能是错误的将客户端mod放入了服务端、或缺少前置等)。 **fatal error in native method processing of javaagent failed processjavasta...
Affects Version/s:1.21 Labels: None Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed Category: (Unassigned) I am on a Win11 computer, 8GB RAM, China. I am trying to join Lifesteal SMP. All Comments History Activity Transitions [Mod] Jarl-Penguinadded a comment -01/Aug/24 4:40 PM ...
[11:43:17 INFO]: [Metrics] Connection reset[11:43:36 INFO]: Moking lost connection: Disconnected[11:43:36 INFO]: Moking left the game.[11:44:20 WARN]: Error occured during retriving versionjava.lang.Throwable at kcauldron.KLog.log(KLog.java:30) [KLog.class:1.7.10-1481.148] at ...
[Render thread/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.javafmlmod.FMLModContainer/]: Exception caught during firing event: 'void net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.SpriteContents.<init>(net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation, net.minecraft.client.resources.metadata.animation.FrameSize, com.mojang.blaze3d....
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer […]你的网络状态极差或者即将掉线——正版服务器有...
Java .net. Socket Exception Connection Reset Error Due to nonserver availability and internet connection, there is one more common error known as Java.net. Socket exception reset error. The reason for this error is the connection problem between the server, player, and client. This normally happ...
`Unable to login: java.io.IOException with a 503` Error TypeThis guide will help you solve the `Unable to login: java.io.IOException with a 503` error type.Few readers How to Ban Players on Your ServerThis guide will show you how to ban and unban players on your Minecraft server. ...
[02:02:16][AWT-EventQueue-0/ERROR] --- Hello Minecraft! Crash Report --- Time: 2015-4-24 Thread: Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main] Content: java.lang.NullPointerException at javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel.paintRegion(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel.up...