注意有些物品的命名和其英文名并不一致,例如附魔之瓶的英文原文为"bottle o' enchanting",但是命名为"experience_bottle"(经验之瓶)。 当然,/give的命令肯定不止这么一点,你可以在后面加数字,表示你想要给予的数量,例如"/give @s command_block 64"会直接给你一组命令方块。 物品的后面可以加入和原始JSON文本类...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a bottle o'enchanting with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, a bottle o'enchanting is a handy item that spawns experience orbs. Although it can not be crafted in the game, a bottle o'en
Items---Bottle o'Enchanting---Improved xp gain to scale with player level. Item is separated from this mod's bottle and the original Minecraft bottle. This is to combat compatibility issues with other mods. Swap between vanilla Bottle o'Encahnting and modded version by placing it in a craf...
Search an interactive list of Minecraft blocks, items, mobs, entities, potions, ids and data values.
minecraft, without adding any new blocks or items. To store experience, simply place glass bottles in the left slot of an anvil, and 1 lapis in the right slot. For a cost of 1 level per bottle, you can convert glass bottles into Bottle 'o Enchanting. The process uses 1 lapis per ...
Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to rename a map on an anvil while its second slot was occupied (MCPE-112905) 修复了当铁砧的第二个槽中有东西时给地图重命名导致的崩溃 Fixed a crash when entering a Nether Portal and throwing a Bottle o' Enchanting at the same time (MCPE-114793...
384/0 experience_bottle Bottle o' Enchanting 385/0 fire_charge Fire Charge 386/0 writable_book Book and Quill 387/0 written_book Written Book 388/0 emerald Emerald 389/0 item_frame Item Frame 390/0 flower_pot Flower Pot 391/0 carrot Carrot 392/0 potato Potato 393/0 baked...
Bottle o' Enchanting Enchanted Book, containing the Mending enchantment Enchanted Book, containing the Infinity enchantment Enchanted books can contain other enchantments but they are lost in the process. Download v 1.5 MC 1.21 Auto-Plant Saplings Chop the tree and walk away. The saplings know...
'.gif' end -- Some things are both animated and yellow -- local animatedIconsYellowTooltips = { 'Bottle o\' Enchanting', 'Enchanted Book', 'Nether Star', } for _, name in ipairs( animatedIconsYellowTooltips ) do aliases[name] = { title = '&e', name = name ...
To learn more about how Items function in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, please take a look at the Item JSON DocumentationList of Items展開資料表 IDNameAux Values (if applicable) 383 acacia_boat -140 acacia_button 658 acacia_chest_boat 567 acacia_door -812 acacia_double_slab -575 acac...