new ItemStack(itemType: ItemType | string, amount?: number)Creates a new instance of a stack of items for use in the world.ParametersitemType: ItemType | string Type of item to create. See the {@link @minecraft/vanilla-data.MinecraftItemTypes} enumeration for a list of standard item ...
public void populateDropStackNBTs(List<ItemStack> drops) { if(isPassiveFlower() && ticksExisted > 0 && BotaniaAPI.internalHandler.getPassiveFlowerDecay() > 0) { ItemStack drop = drops.get(0); if(!drop.isEmpty()) { if(!drop.hasTagCompound()) drop.setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound());...
加入了/item命令。 pre1 加入了/perf命令。 Java版(即将到来) 1.1821w37a 加入了/jfr命令。 携带版Alpha 0.7.4 加入了对命令的支持,但尚未实现任何命令的运行。 0.16.0build 1 加入了/clearfixedinv、/clone、/deop、/execute、/fill、/gamemode、/give、/help(及其别名/?)、/kill、/list、/op、/say、/...
Item#public void getSubItems(CreativeTabs tab, NonNullList<ItemStack> items)■■■Item#public void fillItemCategory(CreativeModeTab p_41391_, NonNullList<ItemStack> p_41392_) Loader■■■ModLoader ModContainer container = Loader.instance().getIndexedModList().get("buildcraftlib");■■■ModContain...
在ItemLoader中加载一个新对象,但不显示 在AchievementList中加载一个新成就,它包含了ItemStack、...
size(); } componentBoxList.add(i); } } } } Example 14Source File: From Framez with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes @Override public NBTTagCompound dataTag(final ItemStack stack) { if (!stack.hasTagCompound()) { stack.setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound()); }...
minecraft:tags determines which tags are included on a given item.ParametersProširi tablicu NameDefault ValueTypeDescription tags not set Array An array which can contain multiple item tags.Povratne informacije Je li vam stranica bila korisna? Da Ne Hrvatski...
public static ListTag fromNative(NBTTagList other) { other = other.copy(); List<Tag> list = new ArrayList<>(); Class<? extends Tag> listClass = StringTag.class; int tags = other.tagCount(); for (int i = 0; i < tags; i++) { Tag child = fromNative(other.removeTag(0)); li...
Tag实体的自定义标签,可使用/data get entity (选择器) tags来查看该实体的标签。(或使用/tags (选择器)list查看)英文数字名、下划线/summon chicken 14.5 65.0 -68.5 {Tag:1} UUID实体的UUID,用4个32位整数来表示。每个值不超过2147483647,也不超过-2147483648。UUID:[I;*, *, *, *]/summon chicken 14.5...
Item Documentation - minecraft:digger 發行項 2025/01/09 3 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 Parameters Example minecraft:digger allows a creator to determine how quickly an item can dig specific blocks. Here is a list of addon blocks. Here is a list of vanilla block tags. Parameters ...