ItemCustomComponent LessThanComparison LessThanOrEqualsComparison MusicOptions NotEqualsComparison PlayAnimationOptions PlayerSoundOptions ProjectileShootOptions RangeComparison RawMessage RawMessageScore RawText RGB RGBA ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions ScriptEventMessageFilterOptions StructureCreateOptions StructurePlaceOpti...
not fully oxidized can be waxed to prevent further oxidation, either by using a Honeycomb item ...
volumeis optional. You can hear the sound within a range from the position. The higher the value, the larger the range and the further away the sound can be heard. pitchis optional. It determines the pitch for the sound effect, the higher the value, the higher the pitch. It is usually...
@e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:"minecraft:slime_ball"}}]— 选择所有黏液球物品实体。 @e[nbt={Tags:["a","b"]}]与@e[tag=a,tag=b]的效果相同。后者更简单,且减少了CPU的负载。 注意:当匹配字符串内的命名空间ID时,不得省略其命名空间。 因此@e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:"slime_ball"}}]...
101key_key.pickItem选取方块key.mouse.middle 102命令key.keyboard.slash 103社交屏幕key.keyboard.p 104key_key.screenshot截屏key.keyboard.f2 105切换视角key.keyboard.f5 106电影视角key.keyboard.unknown 107全屏key.keyboard.f11 108key_key.spectatorOutlines旁观模式高亮玩家key.keyboard.unknown ...
ItemCustomComponent LessThanComparison LessThanOrEqualsComparison MusicOptions NotEqualsComparison PlayAnimationOptions PlayerSoundOptions ProjectileShootOptions RangeComparison RawMessage RawMessageScore RawText RGB RGBA ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions ScriptEventMessageFilterOptions ...
Shields that are disabled when struck by an Axe or by Warden now plays broken item sound (MCPE-153315) 被斧或监守者击碎的盾会播放击碎物品的声音了 (MCPE-153315) Items in off-hand are once again rendered properly 副手上的物品又能正确渲染了 ...
# SysSoundType描述 描述系统音效类型枚举值,主要用于API文档中systemAudio组件class SysSoundType: ItemUseOn = 0 Hit = 1 Step = 2 Fly = 3 Jump = 4 Break = 5 Place = 6 HeavyStep = 7 Gallop = 8 Fall = 9 Ambient = 10 AmbientBaby = 11 AmbientInWater = 12 Breathe = 13 Death = 14 ...
ItemCustomComponent LessThanComparison LessThanOrEqualsComparison MusicOptions NotEqualsComparison PlayAnimationOptions PlayerSoundOptions ProjectileShootOptions RangeComparison RawMessage RawMessageScore RawText RGB RGBA ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions ScriptEventMessageFilterOptions ...
ItemCustomComponent LessThanComparison LessThanOrEqualsComparison MusicOptions NotEqualsComparison PlayAnimationOptions PlayerSoundOptions ProjectileShootOptions RangeComparison RawMessage RawMessageScore RawText RGB RGBA ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions ScriptEventMessageFilterOptions ...