Minecraft Item Plop Sound Effect Endorsements 50 Unique DLs 1,984 Total DLs 2,400 Total views 12,315 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 02 February 20242:49PM Original upload 02 February 20242:49PM Created by KiiiNo Uploaded by...
Each item, block, entity, mob, enchantment, status effect and sound effect in Minecraft has an ID and Name assigned to it. These internal game values are essential to know when performing commands and cheats such as/give,/summon,/enchant,/effector/stopsound. IDs and Names are also used ext...
/playsound <sound: string> <player: target> [position: x y z] [volume: float] [pitch: float] [minimumVolume: float] /replaceitem <block: string> <position: x y z> <slotType: string> <slotId: int> <itemName: string> [amount: int] [data: int] /replaceitem <entity: string> <ta...
Shields that are disabled when struck by an Axe or by Warden now plays broken item sound (MCPE-153315) 被斧或监守者击碎的盾会播放击碎物品的声音了 (MCPE-153315) Items in off-hand are once again rendered properly 副手上的物品又能正确渲染了 Pufferfish now gives Poison II effect instead of P...
12w38a /clear命令加入了item参数。 12w41a /xp的限制从5,000加大到2,147,483,647。 加入了/enchant命令。 1.513w03a 加入了/testfor命令。 13w04a 加入了/scoreboard命令。 13w09b 加入了/effect命令。 1.6.113w23a 加入了/spreadplayers命令。 加入了游戏规则naturalRegeneration。 13w24a ...
block.itemframe.remove_item block.itemframe.rotate_item block.lantern.break block.lantern.fall block.lantern.hit block.lantern.place block.lantern.step block.loom.use block.scaffolding.break block.scaffolding.climb block.scaffolding.fall block.scaffolding.hit ...
itemname - 显示当前手上的物品名称 itemstack <物品代码> [数量] - 给玩家指定数量的物品 kill 自杀不解释 jump - 瞬移到鼠标所指的地方 killnpc [all] - 杀死周围全部NPC 或者叫 杀了附近所有除自己外的活体生物 l - X light - 把光永久性关闭 listwaypoints - 列出所有路径点 macro <文件名...
playSound runCommand runCommandAsync setBlockPermutation setBlockType setWeather spawnEntity spawnItem spawnParticle containsBlock containsBlock(volume: BlockVolumeBase, filter: BlockFilter, allowUnloadedChunks?: boolean): boolean Searches the block volume for a block that satisfies the block filter. ...
EffectType.BLACK_LOTUS_DISSOLVE, item.posX, tile.getPos().getY() + 0.5, item.posZ)); } item.playSound(ModSounds.blackLotus, 0.5F, t2 ? 0.1F : 1F); } 代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania @Nonnull @Override public EnumActionResult onItemUse(EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos...
import { EntityItemComponent, EntityComponentTypes, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; function testThatEntityIsFeatherItem( log: (message: string, status?: number) => void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation ) { const items = targetLocation.dimension.getEntities({ location: targetLocation,...