makeMyItem<TrImAn>(命令方式生成物品)Optimine<inio>(优化游戏速度)Dynamic Lights<AtomicStryker>(动态...
]Caused by: avaritia:models/item/infinity_hoe.jsonat net.minecraft.client.resources.FallbackResourceManager.getResource( ~[cei.class:?]at net.minecraft.client.resources.SimpleReloadableResourceManager.getResource(
Bookshelf 前置核心Mod由作者“DarkhaxDev”所制作。 该mod添加了可用于多个不同模块的可重复使用代码,并提供了各种针对服务器细节进行调整的功能。 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.20-1.4.6鼠标手势 Mouse Tweaks Mod下载 2023年6月12日MOD大全0 鼠标手势 Mouse Tweaks Mod由作者“YaLTeR”所制作,添加了一系列使用鼠标...
Runelic Mod (Forge).jar Minecraft Forge API Bookshelf Mod For Minecraft 1.18.2 Release Date: 10th March 2022 Version 11.0.1 File Size: 13.81 KB Supported version: Minecraft 1.18.2 Author: MRHminer Download (Direct): Runelic Mod.jar For Minecraft 1.17.1 Release Date: 25th July 2021 Version...
我的世界1.20-1.7.10 Bookshelf 前置Mod下载 2023年6月12日MOD大全0 Bookshelf 前置核心Mod由作者“DarkhaxDev”所制作。 该mod添加了可用于多个不同模块的可重复使用代码,并提供了各种针对服务器细节进行调整的功能。 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.20-1.4.6鼠标手势 Mouse Tweaks Mod下载 ...
Modern Bookshelf (v1.18+): Bookshelf designed to hold mod guidebooks. One bookshelf can hold up to 16 books. After placing a mod book onto the shelf, right click the placed book to read it. Shift-click with empty hands to reclaim a book off the shelf. Catwalk (v1.18+): Decorative...
If a bookshelf is harvested with an item enchanted with silk touch, it will drop itself as a regular bookshelf and retain its stored items, which can be retrieved when placed again. When holding a bookshelf with items inside, the items will be listed as properties. Bookshelves provide power...
参考网址: (在此网址上可以直接查找,还有图片等等) 声明: 本人仅仅为了翻译方便整理了Excel表格和TXT版本,如果这种行为有侵权的可能,请立即告知,一经获知,将立即删除这篇专栏。 百度网盘链接: 链接: ...
Item interactions 物品互动 Gliding with an Elytra or unique mob actions (Ravager roaring, Wolf shaking, etc.) 用鞘翅滑翔或特殊的生物动作(劫掠兽吼叫、狼甩水等) Equipping gear 装备盔甲 Interacting with a mob 与生物互动 Mobs and players getting damaged 生物或玩家受到伤害 Consuming items (drinking ...
You can insert up to 12 books on a book shelf, 3 per quadrant. Each quadrant can hold either up to three stacks of books, or one stack of generic items. (To insert or extract a generic item, see inserting and extracting books.) Hoppers can insert and extract from shelves, but only ...