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BlockStateRandomizerandItemRandomizer, data abstractions that make adding block and item randomization to your structures incredibly simple. I use these for all of my mods! If you're curious, you can check the code for my mods (especially the newer ones) to see how things work. Feel free to...
Origins: Origins Randomizer: Origins Tweaks: Origins++: Origins++ Modded Support (datapack):
Item Saver 保存物品(在物品耐久只剩1时自动换掉) Liquid Interact 液体交互(把液体作为一个方块交互) No Fall 无掉落伤害 No Rotate 暂停数据包 Randomizer 在快捷栏随机切换 Respawn 自动重生 Scaffold 自动搭路【Safe 使用手中的方块,Swing 是否摆动,Prefer Offhand 随机方块,Tower 快速向上搭路,Debug 调试】 S...
at ~[?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:fml:observerlib:coremodmethod,xf:fml:astralsorcery:sun_brightness_server,xf:fml:twilightforest:hitbox,pl:mixin:APP...
"block.darkutils.redstone_randomizer": "红石随机器", "block.darkutils.shielded_redstone": "单面红石块", "__comment_items": "物品名称", "item.darkutils.charm_sleep": "睡眠魔符", "item.darkutils.charm_portal": "传送门魔符", "item.darkutils.charm_warding": "守护魔符", "item.darkutils...
"item.projectred_integration.bus_randomizer_gate": "Bus Randomizer", "item.projectred_integration.bus_transceiver_gate": "Bus Transceiver", "item.projectred_integration.comparator_gate": "Comparator", "item.projectred_integration.counter_gate": "Counter", "item.projectred_integration.dec_random...
ConnectedTexturesMod Advanced Rocketry LibVulpes Open Loader Crash Utilities World Stripper Thermal Locomotion Torchmaster CobbleGenRandomizer spark Fast Leaf Decay ReAuth Ore Tweaker KubeJS Thermal Cosmetic Armor Reworked Sound Filters Fairy Lights Inventory Sorter ...
Boss Randomizer Boss Finding System Credits Minecraft Custom Boss Collection is a map created by: EnderPig Main Builder Redstoner Booty156156 Builder Texturer Aequalis_ Builder Rafakado Builder Texturer Redstoner Mattscarp Builder DomoRaider Helper PixelVolt Graphic Designer Troller4Ever Redstoner Builder...
Minecraft Item Randomizer (or Minecraft Random Item Challenge vs Hunters) This gamemode or concept is similar to Minecraft Manhunt - The host becomes the speedrunner and the rest are hunters. The hunters and speedrunner have 1 life only