minecraft-item-generatorSo**末离 上传153.31 KB 文件格式 zip minecraft minecraft-server Stwórzmy szybki prototyp przedmiotu do Minecrafta. Nazwijmy go "Magiczny Kamień" i nadajmy mu unikalne właściwości. Magiczny Kamień będzie miał zdolność do odbijania obrażeń od przeciw...
但是限于我对loot table(战利品表)的研究其实较为有限,所以决定将版本升级为21w03a(理论在快照加入item指令后的版本都可以),这样可以用更简单的指令解决此问题。 2.其实我开专栏的第二个原因是像这一类问题运用命令方块来解决会有一定的局限性,所以我决定采用数据包来解决此问题,所以评论区比较难解释,故选择专栏来...
Level generator options: {}Level spawn location: World: (208,63,210), Chunk: (at 0,3,2 in 13,13; contains blocks 208,0,208 to 223,255,223), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)Level time: 495 game time, 495 day timeLevel storage ...
Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false Level generator options: Level spawn location: World: (200,64,256), Chunk: (at 8,4,0 in 12,16; contains blocks 192,0,256 to 207,255,271), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511...
Find our Minecraft color codes generator below. This is a very useful way to test codes before using them in the game. Start typing some text with color or formatting codes into the field below and a correctly colored and formatted version will appear in the preview panel. Use the color an...
Level generator: ID 01 - flat, ver 0. Features enabled: falseLevel generator options: Level spawn location: World: (1177,4,285), Chunk: (at 9,0,13 in 73,17; contains blocks 1168,0,272 to 1183,255,287), Region: (2,0; contains chunks 64,0 to 95,31, blocks 1024,0,0 to 1535...
-- Item being rendered --Details:Item Type: nullItem Aux: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: nullItem NBT: nullItem Foil: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: nullStacktrace:at net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem.func_82406_b(RenderItem.java:565)at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiCont...
[免费下载]宾果 - 寻宝-我的世界地图市场包免费下载-Minecraft Marketplace BINGO - Item Hunt 00:55 [免费下载]SB737 硬核 100 天-我的世界地图市场包免费下载-Minecraft Marketplace SB737 100 Days Hardcore 01:01 [免费下载]疯狂模式-我的世界地图市场包免费下载-Minecraft Marketplace Insane Mode 00:48 [...
atmods.flammpfeil.slashblade.ItemSlashBlade.attackTargetEntity(ItemSlashBlade.java:1886) atmods.flammpfeil.slashblade.EntityDirectAttackDummy.func_70071_h_(EntityDirectAttackDummy.java:240) atnet.minecraft.world.World.func_72866_a(World.java:2674) atnet.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72866_a(WorldServer...
at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkGeneratorOverworld.populate(ChunkGeneratorOverworld.java:464) at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.populate(Chunk.java:1019) at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.populate(Chunk.java:999) at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.provideChunk(ChunkProviderServer.java:157...